Angels and Demons

  1. Libranos del Malo: El combate espiritual Bernardo Olivera
  2. Der Antichrist: Ausgabe in neuer Übersetzung und Rechtschreibung A.W. Pink
  3. Dark Spirits: Monsters, Demons and Devils Richard Estep
  4. Demons Unleashed: True Tales of Terror Wrought by the Occult John Harker
  5. علامة الشيطان محمد حسين
  6. رؤوس الشيطان أيمن العتوم
  7. Sterrenlicht Laini Taylor
  8. The History of the Devils of Loudun - The Alleged Possession of the Ursuline Nuns, and the Trial and Execution of Urbain Grandier - Told by an Eye-Witness - Translated from the Original French - Volumes I., II., and III. Edmund Goldsmid
  9. Ring Shout P. Djèlí Clark
  10. Demonology and Witchcraft in the British Isles and Ireland: A Compendium of Classic Books on the History of Demons, Witches and Spirits Various
  11. Be Ye Holy Survivor's Guide Cheryl Remington
  12. The Beast of Boleskin House; Aleister Crowley 666, The Real Lochness Monster Aleister Crowley
  13. Aleister Crowley 666, Tales That Should Never Be Told Aleister Crowley
  14. Beckoning the Black Beyond: Aleister Crowley 666, Demons Set Loose Aleister Crowley
  15. Shadows of the Arcane: Unveiling the Left Hand Path and Demonology Kane Blackwood
  16. Hell on Earth: Aleister Crowley 666, Echoes of the Beast Geoffrey Giuliano and the Icon Players
  17. Hall of Smoke H.M. Long
  18. Drinking the Devil's Blood: Aleister Crowley - The Untold Tale Geoffrey Giuliano and the Icon Players
  19. The Book of Law: Aleister Crowley, The Lost Original Manuscript Aleister Crowley
  20. Dangerous Prayer That Makes Satan Flee and Surrender Your Possession: Powerful Prayer that Makes Satan Helpless Tella Olayeri
  21. HYBRIDE MENSCHEN. Exklusives Vorwort von Erich von Däniken: Wissenschaftliche Beweise für unser 800.000 Jahre altes kosmisches Erbe Daniella Fenton
  22. The Mythology of the Devil Moncure D. Conway
  23. Aleister Crowley The Lost Gospels Geoffrey Giuliano and the Icon Players
  24. Aleister Crowley's Devilish Universe Aleister Crowley
  25. The Lost Manuscript Liber Astarte Master Of The Devilish Occult Aleister Crowley
  26. The Vixen & Other Frights - Satan's Wicked Son & Heir Aleister Crowley
  27. 666 Aleister Crowley Best Of The Beast Aleister Crowley
  28. Storm and Fury Jennifer L. Armentrout
  29. Defined by Deceit A.E. Via
  30. The Black Beating Heart Of Boleskine Aleister Crowley Midnight Mass Aleister Crowley
  31. Тяжелый свет Куртейна. Желтый Макс Фрай
  32. Dictionary of Witchcraft Collin de Plancy
  33. Dictionary of Pagan Religions Wade Baskin
  34. Dictionary of Satanism Wade Baskin
  35. Dictionary of the Occult Harry E. Wedeck
  36. The Witchcraft Collection (Volume Two): Dictionary of Mysticism, Encyclopedia of Superstitions, and Dictionary of Magic Harry E. Wedeck
  37. The Witchcraft Collection (Volume One): Dictionary of Satanism, Dictionary of Witchcraft, and Dictionary of Pagan Religions Wade Baskin
  38. Zen and Shinto: A History of Japanese Philosophy Chikao Fujisawa
  39. Demon Street, USA: The True Story of a Very Haunted House Robbie Lunt
  40. How About Demons?: Possession and Exorcism in the Modern World Felicitas D. Goodman
  41. The Devil Within: Possession & Exorcism in the Christian West Brian Levack
  42. Encuentros con el Demonio: Casos Impactantes de Encuentros con Seres Malévolos. 2 Libros en 1 - Historias Reales de Posesiones, Historias de Terror de la Ouija en Español Blake Aguilar
  43. Shadow Path Journal: Issue 1: Winter 2020 Julia Blair
  44. Aleister Crowley The Complete Lost Teachings - A Treasury Of Treachery Geoffrey Giuliano
  45. Master Of The Black Arts Aleister Crowley The Lost Teachings Geoffrey Giuliano
  46. Le anime del Purgatorio mi hanno detto (Versione integrale): Rivelazioni e apparizioni di defunti alla veggente Maria Simma Maria Simma
  47. Ketting van goud Cassandra Clare
  48. Relatos Para No Dormir: Historias Cortas que te Quitarán el Sueño esta Noche. 2 Libros en 1 - Historias de Terror de Demonios, Historias Reales de Fantasmas Blake Aguilar
  49. Historias de Miedo Reales para Contar en la Oscuridad: Colección de Relatos de Terror. 2 Libros en 1 - Historias Reales de Fantasmas y Espectros, Relatos de Terror Blake Aguilar
  50. Entes Malignos: Un Compendio de Historias Reales de Posesiones y Seres Malignos de Otros Mundos. 2 Libros en 1 - Historias Reales de Posesiones, Historias Reales de Fantasmas y Espectros Blake Aguilar