1. Guns, Germs, & Steel by Jared Diamond | Key Takeaways, Analysis & Review (The Fates of Human Societies): The Fates of Human Societies IRB Media
  2. Indian Biography (Vol. 1&2): The Lives of the Distinguished Orators, Warriors, Statesmen, and Other Remarkable Characters among Native North Americans B. B. Thatcher
  3. Mi'kmaq Natural Medicine: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Wellness Debbee Lisa Bédard/Palmater
  4. The Soul of an Indian: An Interpretation Charles Alexander Eastman
  5. Capturing Kahanamoku: How a Surfing Legend and a Scientific Obsession Redefined Race and Culture Michael Rossi
  6. The Education of Clarence Three Stars: A Lakota American Life Philip Burnham
  7. Justice in Indian Country Sari Horwitz
  8. Ada Blackjack: A True Story of Survival in the Arctic Jennifer Niven
  9. The Captured: A True Story of Abduction by Indians on the Texas Frontier Scott Zesch
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  28. Pretty Nose und der rote Lakotamond Wolf. G Winning
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  32. Interculturalidad, arte y saberes tradicionales Gabriel Medrano de Luna
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  38. Native Cultures in Alaska: Looking Forward, Looking Back Alaska Geographic Association
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  48. Slavery and the Evolution of Cherokee Society, 1540–1866 Theda Perdue
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