Netflix India’s ‘Maamla Legal Hai" led by Ravi Kishan and Naila Grewal, brilliantly captures the absurdity of legal proceedings in Delhi's Patparganj district court. The show's charm lies in its witty banter, bizarre real-life cases, and a delightful cast. However, as it navigates the complexities of legal ethics, the focus shifts from its comedic core. To find out where it lands post the detour, check out our review of the show; and tell us how you liked the series.
Netflix India’s ‘Maamla Legal Hai" led by Ravi Kishan and Naila Grewal, brilliantly captures the absurdity of legal proceedings in Delhi's Patparganj district court. The show's charm lies in its witty banter, bizarre real-life cases, and a delightful cast. However, as it navigates the complexities of legal ethics, the focus shifts from its comedic core. To find out where it lands post the detour, check out our review of the show; and tell us how you liked the series.
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