In this editorial episode, Mr. Sujit Nair addresses the recent raid on Congress Rajya Sabha MP Dhiraj Sahu. Following the examination of 140 out of 176 bags of cash, the Income Tax department has quantified what appears to be the ""highest-ever"" single-operation black money seizure by any agency. The unaccounted cash confiscated by the I-T department from locations associated with Congress' Rajya Sabha MP Dheeraj Sahu in Odisha and Jharkhand has now reached a value of Rs 351 crore as of Sunday. The raids were initiated on December 6, and the latest update indicates that 140 bags of cash have been counted out of the total 176. Efforts were made to conclude the counting of the recovered funds by Sunday, as conveyed by Bhagat Behera, the Regional Manager of the State Bank of India, to news agency ANI. Fifty officials from three banks participated in the counting process, deploying 40 machines. Behera mentioned that the aim was to complete counting by Sunday to return the machines to the banks for the upcoming normal banking hours on Monday. To expedite the process, additional cash-counting machines and personnel were brought in on Sunday, and engineers were on standby to address any technical issues the counting machines might encounter. In this particular editorial, Mr. Nair also discusses about the CM candidates announced by the BJP in the 3 recently poll bound states; Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan. In Rajasthan, BJP selected Bhajanlal Sharma. In Chhattisgarh, the saffron party selected Vishnu Deo Sai and in Madhya Pradesh, the party selected Mohan Yadav. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this editorial episode, Mr. Sujit Nair addresses the recent raid on Congress Rajya Sabha MP Dhiraj Sahu. Following the examination of 140 out of 176 bags of cash, the Income Tax department has quantified what appears to be the ""highest-ever"" single-operation black money seizure by any agency. The unaccounted cash confiscated by the I-T department from locations associated with Congress' Rajya Sabha MP Dheeraj Sahu in Odisha and Jharkhand has now reached a value of Rs 351 crore as of Sunday. The raids were initiated on December 6, and the latest update indicates that 140 bags of cash have been counted out of the total 176. Efforts were made to conclude the counting of the recovered funds by Sunday, as conveyed by Bhagat Behera, the Regional Manager of the State Bank of India, to news agency ANI. Fifty officials from three banks participated in the counting process, deploying 40 machines. Behera mentioned that the aim was to complete counting by Sunday to return the machines to the banks for the upcoming normal banking hours on Monday. To expedite the process, additional cash-counting machines and personnel were brought in on Sunday, and engineers were on standby to address any technical issues the counting machines might encounter. In this particular editorial, Mr. Nair also discusses about the CM candidates announced by the BJP in the 3 recently poll bound states; Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan. In Rajasthan, BJP selected Bhajanlal Sharma. In Chhattisgarh, the saffron party selected Vishnu Deo Sai and in Madhya Pradesh, the party selected Mohan Yadav. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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