Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos, With an Introduction by Walter Isaacson 3.9
The Entrepreneur’s Paradox: How to Overcome the 16 Pitfalls Along the Startup Journey Curtis Morley4.5
From Startup to Exit: An Insider's Guide to Launching and Scaling Your Tech Business Shirish Nadkarni3.9
The 20% Doctrine: How Tinkering, Goofing Off, and Breaking the Rules at Work Drive Success in Business Ryan Tate
The Startup Game: Inside the Partnership between Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs William H. Draper
[BEST PRACTICE] Disruptive Innovation: incl. Bonus – With many practical examples & an excursus to the Lean StartUp Method Simone Janson
Conduct Staff Appraisals & Job Interviews: Communicate Professionally in Personnel Development, Application Processes & Difficult Leadership Situations [Checklists Conversation Guidelines Templates]: incl. Bonus – Communicate Professionally in Personnel Development, Application Processes & Difficult Leadership Situations [Checklists Conversation Guidlines Templates] Simone Janson
Dismissed what now? Survival Guide on Being Quit & Kicked Out: incl. Bonus – Employment Law, Warning, Crisis Prevention & Management, Coping with Departure, Crisis as Chance, New Start & Career Simone Janson
IT Recruiting & Skills Shortage: incl. Bonus – Finding, Addressing, Recruiting and Retaining Internationally Qualified IT Staff [Templates Checklists Examples] Simone Janson
Overcoming Procrastination: incl. Bonus – Cure Postponementitis permanently, stop to Postpone Delay Defer or Avoid things, improve Productivity Efficiency & Time Management for Chaotic People Simone Janson
Plan & Implement Projects with Success: incl. Bonus – Project Management & Process Development, Lead Creative Projects to Success, Develop Strategies, Create Concepts & Learn to Solve Problems Simone Janson
The Application of the Dragon. Storytelling to Job Success: incl. Bonus – How Employers attract good Employees & Applicants can use HR Marketing & Recruiting Knowledge in Interview & Selection Simone Janson
[BEST PRACTICE] Disruptive Innovation: incl. Bonus – Mit vielen Praxisbeispielen & einem Exkurs zur Lean-StartUp-Methode Simone Janson
Die Bewerbung des Drachen. Storytelling zum Joberfolg: incl. Bonus – Wie Arbeitgeber Mitarbeiter gewinnen & Bewerbern Personalmarketing & Recruitingwissen in Vorstellungsgespräch & Auswahl hilft Simone Janson
Führungskraft - was jetzt?: incl. Bonus – Erfolgreiche Teamführung, Mitarbeitermotivation & Personalmanagement, Führungstechniken & Führungsstile gezielt einsetzen, neu als Chef Respekt gewinnen Simone Janson
IT Recruiting & Fachkräftemangel: incl. Bonus – International qualifizierte IT-Mitarbeiter finden, ansprechen, rekrutieren und halten [Vorlagen Checklisten Beispiele] Simone Janson
Kündigung und dann? Survival Guide zum Rauswurf: incl. Bonus – Kündigungsrecht, Abmahnung, Krisenvorsorge, Krisenmanagement, Aufbruch und Krise als Chance bewältigen, Rausschmiss und neue Karriere Simone Janson
Mitarbeiter-Gespräche & Jobinterviews führen: incl. Bonus – Professionell kommunizieren in Personalentwicklung Bewerbungprozessen & schwierigen Führungssituationen [Checklisten Gesprächsleitfäden Vorlagen] Simone Janson
Projekte erfolgreich planen & umsetzen: incl. Bonus – Projektmanagement & Projektentwicklung, kreative Projekte zum Erfolg führen, Strategie entwickeln, Konzepte erstellen & Probleme lösen lernen Simone Janson
Prokrastination überwinden: incl. Bonus – Aufschieberitis dauerhaft kurieren, Schluss mit dem Dinge verschieben verzögern vermeiden, bessere Produktivität Effizienz & Zeitmanagement für Chaoten Simone Janson
Leader - What To Do Now?: incl. Bonus – Successful Team Leadership, Employee Motivation & Human Resource Management, Use Leadership Techniques & Leadership Styles, Gain Respect as a new Boss Simone Janson
Ideal Teamplayer: incl. Bonus – Find & hire suitable employees for the right job as a recruiter, promote cohesion through a selection process, achieve goals together & successfully with others Simone Janson
Ideal Teamplayer: incl. Bonus – Als Recruiter passende Mitarbeiter für den richtigen Job finden & einstellen, per Auswahlverfahren Zusammenhalt fördern, gemeinsam erfolgreich Ziele erreichen Simone Janson
Kollege Roboter? Keine Angst vor Jobverlust: incl. Bonus – Neue Karriere-Chancen mit Automatisierung, Skills Training Potential nutzen, Perspektive gewinnen dank AI & Künstliche Intelligenz Simone Janson
Robot as a Colleague? No Fear of Job Loss: incl. Bonus – New career opportunities with automation, use digital skills training potential, gain future perspectives with artificial intelligence Simone Janson
Trajectory: Startup: Ideation to Product/Market Fit - A Handbook for Founders and Anyone Supporting Them Dave Parker5
Summary and Analysis of The Upstarts: How Uber, Airbnb, and the Killer Companies of the New Silicon Valley are Changing the World: Based on the Book by Brad Stone Worth Books4
Building on Bedrock: What Sam Walton, Walt Disney, and Other Great Self-Made Entrepreneurs Can Teach Us About Building Valuable Companies Derek Lidow
The Airbnb Story: How Three Ordinary Guys Disrupted an Industry, Made Billions . . . and Created Plenty of Controversy: How Three Ordinary Guys Disrupted an Industry, Made Billions . . . and Created Plenty of Controversy Leigh Gallagher5
The New American Millionaires: Secrets the Self-Made Millionaires Use to Achieve Massive Levels of Success Ken Odiwé