A Brief History of Black Holes: And why nearly everything you know about them is wrong Dr Becky Smethurst4.5
Too Big for a Single Mind: How the Greatest Generation of Physicists Uncovered the Quantum World Tobias Hürter4.3
Discover the Hidden Reality: Exploring the Holographic Universe: Dive into the Unknown! Grasp immersive audio insights into the Holographic Universe for mind-expanding revelations. Jasper Hawthorne
E-Squared: by Pam Grout | Key Takeaways, Analysis & Review: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality IRB Media3.5
A Joosr Guide to... A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking: From the Big Bang to Black Holes Joosr4.5
How Poetry Can Enhance Our Knowledge of Cosmology with Joseph Conlon [Ep. 471] Big Bang Productions Inc.