Föräldraguiden vid autism och adhd : Så vägleder du ditt barn från ung till vuxen Katarina A. Sörngård3.7
"Jag Upphäver Gravitationen" : En bok om att leva med autism, asperger och ADHD Marius Alexander Forselius3
Brown Noise for ADHD (Focus, Reading, Studying, Coding): The Brown Noise Collection Brown Noise Laboratory4
Social Detective Academy: How to Become a Social Detective and Solve Social Mysteries Like a Pro Jeffrey E. Jessum
Prescription for Success: Supporting Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Medical Environment Jill Hudson
Building Sensory Friendly Classrooms to support children with challenging behaviors: Implementing Data Driven Strategies! Rebecca A. Moyes
Entraînement à la concentration pour les enfants - Le guide pratique avec des exercices géniaux: Comment améliorer facilement l'attention et la concentration de votre enfant & renforcer sa résilience Magic Kids
The Potty Journey: Guide to Toilet Training Children with Special Needs, Including Autism and Related Disorders Judith A. CouCouvanis
Peer Play and the Autism Spectrum: The Art of Guiding Children's Socialization and Imagination Pamela J. Wolfberg, PhD
ADHD Boost: Secrets to Conquer Distraction and Thrive!: "Dive into powerful audio lessons designed to help you conquer ADHD and embrace your best self!" Jasper Harlowe