1. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Rebecca Skloot
  2. Betong Christoffer Sorner
  3. Himalayan Dreams: The Story of Som Tamang: How a child slave moved mountains to save a generation in Nepal Kirsty Nancarrow
  4. White Evangelical Racism: The Politics of Morality in America Anthea Butler
  5. Обратная сторона средневековой Флоренции Мария Плетнёва
  6. Black Skin, White Masks Frantz Fanon
  7. Stay True: Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Memoir Hua Hsu
  8. Discrimination and Disparities Thomas Sowell
  9. Who Pays for Diversity?: Why Programs Fail at Racial Equity and What to Do about It Oneya Fennell Okuwobi
  10. The Antiracist: How to Start the Conversation about Race and Take Action Kondwani Fidel
  11. All These Things the Old Tales Tell - The Selected Poetry of Alice Dunbar Nelson Alice Dunbar Nelson
  12. Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man Emmanuel Acho
  13. Common Core Standards and Black History Month: A Thematic Guide to Black History in Literature and Informational Texts for Middle School Educators Pat Scales
  14. To verdener – et menneske: Et liv i Danmark med flere kulturer Lise Thorsen
  15. The Little Book of Race and Restorative Justice: Black Lives, Healing, and US Social Transformation Fania E. Davis
  16. Globalising Welsh Studies: Decolonising history, heritage, society and culture
  17. Searching for Serafim: The Life and Legacy of Serafim “Joe” Fortes Ruby Smith Diaz
  18. Familien Hassan Steffen Stubager
  19. 10315 Tage Mauer: Erinnerungen und Gedanken eines Augenzeugen und Opfers Alfred Hauschild
  20. Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight Alexandra Fuller
  21. Секс – путь к свободе. Великая борьба за Эрос Вильгельм Райх
  22. Россия на распутье Фрэнсис Фукуяма
  23. Матрица безумия (сборник) Мишель Фуко
  24. Законы диалектики. Всеобщая мировая ирония Георг Гегель
  25. Голод, страх смерти и половой инстинкт. «Мир есть госпиталь для умалишенных» Артур Шопенгауэр
  26. Woke Injustice: A Biblical Response to Critical Race Theory Bryan Osborne
  27. Have Black Lives Ever Mattered? Mumia Abu-Jamal
  28. Black Fatigue: How Racism Erodes the Mind, Body, and Spirit Mary-Frances Winters
  29. Project 2025: What the “MAGA King” Second Term Presidency Could Mean For an Average American Lois Alarcon
  30. Latinidad, Identity Formation, and the Mass Media Landscape: Constructing Pocho Villa Dr Gabriel A. Cruz PhD
  31. The White Privilege Album: Bringing Racial Harmony to Very Fine People… on Both Sides A. J. Rice
  32. Kololo Hill Neema Shah
  33. Frederick Douglass: Autobiographie - Mein Leben für die Freiheit Frederick Douglass
  34. Integrationspolitik Per Bregengaard
  35. Frit fald over Amazonas Ulla Lund
  36. Великие художники: избранные жизнеописания Джорджо Вазари
  37. Roots and Legends: Folktales from African Culture Editors of Wellfleet Press
  38. Diary of a Man in Despair Friedrich Reck
  39. Selling Social Justice: Why the Ruling Class Loves Antiracism Jennifer Pan
  40. Social Justice in Schools: A Framework for Equity in Education Charles A. Barrett
  41. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano: Autobiography Olaudah Equiano
  42. Etnografías nómades: Teoría y práctica antropológica (pos)colonial Leticia Katzer
  43. Mommy's Khimar Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow
  44. Know Your Price: Valuing Black Lives and Property in America's Black Cities: Valuing Black Lives and Property in America’s Black Cities Andre M. Perry
  45. Calculating Race: Racial Discrimination in Risk Assessment Benjamin Wiggins
  46. Holy Ground : On Activism, Environmental Justice, and Finding Hope Catherine Coleman Flowers
  47. Here to Stay: The Story of the Class of Women Who Coeducated the University of Virginia Gail Burrell Gerry
  48. While the Earth Sleeps We Travel: Stories, Poetry, and Art from Young Refugees Around the World Ahmed M. Badr
  49. Interculturalidad, arte y saberes tradicionales Gabriel Medrano de Luna
  50. Negociando el Multiculturalismo: dinámicas sociopolíticas del reconocimiento a los afrocolombianos Juan Pablo Estupiñán