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  5. The Paris Express: the impossible-to-put-down historical thriller from the author of Room Emma Donoghue
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  8. Sexism: The Persistent Struggle for Gender Equality Across the World Marcus Kline
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  14. Feminismos jurídicos: Interpelaciones y debates Virginia Cano
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  25. The Black Fives: The Epic Story of Basketball’s Forgotten Era Claude Johnson
  26. Understanding E-Carceration: Electronic Monitoring, the Surveillance State, and the Future of Mass Incarceration James Kilgore
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  28. Unreasonable: Black Lives, Police Power, and the Fourth Amendment Devon W. Carbado
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  30. Before Brown: Heman Marion Sweatt, Thurgood Marshall, and the Long Road to Justice Gary M. Lavergne
  31. The Facilitator's Guide for White Affinity Groups: Strategies for Leading White People in an Anti-Racist Practice Robin DiAngelo
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