
  1. Mordet på Zaida Catalán Staffan Lindberg
  2. Du klarar det, Lisa! Helena Berglund
  3. Om att aldrig ge upp Ingrid Kinne Lindgren
  4. Konsten att bekämpa en diktator Maria Ressa
  5. Kriget mot kroppen Erik Hemmingsson
  6. Dare Not Linger: The Presidential Years Nelson Mandela
  7. I Ukraina på drift Paul Frigyes
  8. 1968 : revolternas år Martin Ericsson
  9. State of the Union 1982 Ronald Reagan
  10. Papa, warum sind wir hier?: Eine Geschichte von Überleben, erfolgreicher Integration und Teilhabe in einer friedlichen und demokratischen Gesellschaft Homayoon Pardis
  11. Undercurrents: Channeling Outrage to Spark Practical Activism Steve Davis
  12. The World’s Most Dangerous Geek: And More True Hacking Stories David Kushner
  13. Amir's Blue Elephant: A woman's journey into the lives of Europe's refugees Melissa Hekkers
  14. Paid Servant E. R. Braithwaite
  15. Our Life Our Way: A Memoir of Active Faith, Profound Love and Courageous Disability Rights Christine F. Robinson
  16. Florence Nightingale’s Sister: The Lesser-Known Activism of Parthenope Verney Lynn Hamilton
  17. Stories of Solidarity and Struggle: A Life in the Worldwide Movement for Human Rights David Hinkley
  18. Fighting Back: A Bold Father’s Stand Against Misinformation: "Empower yourself with 'Fighting Back'! Unlock captivating audio lessons designed to challenge and defeat misinformation." Lysander Calloway
  19. Writings from a Greek Prison: 32 Steps, or Correspondence from the House of the Dead Tasos Theofilou
  20. Bank Job Daniel Edelstyn
  21. Living a Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger Than Yourself Lynn Twist
  22. Pen Pal (Prison Letters From A Free Spirit On Slow Death Row) Tiyo Attallah Salah-El
  23. Pauline Marois - Au-delà du pouvoir Élyse-Andrée Héroux
  24. We Want Freedom: A Life in the Black Panther Party (New Edition) Mumia Abu Jamal
  25. Repensons l'économie !: Recettes belges pour appliquer la théorie du donut Eva Smets
  26. Das siebte Jahr - Von Tibet nach Indien Sabriye Tenberken
  27. Unsettling Canada: A National Wake-Up Call Ronald M. Derrickson
  28. Starting Somewhere: Community Organizing for Socially Awkward People Who've Had Enough Roderick Douglass
  29. No One Left Alone: A Story of How Community Helps Us Heal Liz Walker
  30. Stand Up!: How To Get Involved, Speak Out, and Win in a World on Fire Gordon Whitman
  31. The Gift of Anger: Use Passion to Build Not Destroy Joe Solmonese
  32. Pro-Voice: How to Keep Listening When the World Wants a Fight Aspen Baker
  33. The Revolution Where You Live: Stories from a 12,000-Mile Journey Through a New America Sarah van Gelder
  34. Die Dating-Möglichkeiten & Apps: Online & Offline Tobi Kraemer
  35. Anti-Racist Ally: An Introduction to Action and Activism Sophie Williams
  36. Breaking Ground Heidi Kühn
  37. Vi er sammen om at mærke det: Sådan finder du styrke, selvtillid og fællesskab i klimakampen Esther Kjeldahl
  38. CTRL HATE DELETE: The New Anti-Feminist Backlash and How We Fight It Cécile Simmons
  39. Women Peacemakers: What We Can Learn From Them Barbe Chambliss PhD
  40. Tarja Halonen: Erään aktivistin tarina Katri Merikallio
  41. Antiorganisationen : Dramaten och metoo Vanja Hermele
  42. Martin Luther King: The Civil Rights Movement and the Fight against Segregation 50minutes
  43. Till Jerusalem Staffan Beckman
  44. En galnings anteckningar Staffan Beckman
  45. Himalayan Dreams: The Story of Som Tamang: How a child slave moved mountains to save a generation in Nepal Kirsty Nancarrow
  46. Growing Up Communist and Jewish in Bondi Volume 3: I Am Born John Docker
  47. Growing Up Communist and Jewish in Bondi Volume 2: My Mother, Elsie Levy John Docker
  48. Growing Up Communist and Jewish in Bondi Volume 1: My Father, Ted Docker John Docker
  49. الناشطية السياسية - جدل ندى عصام وأسماء خليفة
  50. Revolution or Death Justin Gifford