From Churchill's SAS to Hitler's Waffen-SS: The Secret Wartime Exploits of Captain Douglas Berneville-ClayeMichael Scott5
British Battles of the Spanish Civil War: How Volunteers from Britain Fought against FrancoCharles J. Esdaile
The Battle of Pharsalus (48 BC): Caesar, Pompey & Their Final Clash in the Third Roman Civil WarGareth C. Sampson
Hitler’s Shattered Dreams of Empire: Crucial Battles of the Eastern and Western Front 1941–1944Rex Bashford
Napoleonic Britain: A Guide to Fortresses, Statues and Memorials of the French Wars, 1792–1815David Buttery
Survival & Separation on the River Kwai: The Ordeal of a Japanese Prisoner of War and His FamilyIan Roberts
Puma Sdkfz 234/1 and Sdkfz 234/2 Heavy Armoured Cars: German Army and Waffen-SS, Western and Eastern Fronts, 1944–1945Dennis Oliver