Project Azorian: The History of the CIA Operation to Recover a Sunken Soviet SubmarineCharles River Editors
Out of Time and Out of Place: A History of Anomalous Objects and Events that Seemingly Appeared in the Wrong TimeCharles River Editors
Archaic Humans: The History of the Different Prehistoric Species in the Genus HomoCharles River Editors
Anglo-Saxon England Before the Norman Conquest: The History and Legacy of the Anglo-Saxons during the Early Middle AgesCharles River Editors3.9
Project Gemini: The History and Legacy of NASA’s Human Spaceflight Missions Before the Apollo ProgramCharles River Editors4.3
Project Mercury: The History and Legacy of America’s First Human Spaceflight ProgramCharles River Editors3.5
The Battle of Tours: The History and Legacy of the Decisive Battle Between the Moors and Franks in FranceCharles River Editors3.8
The Zeppelins of World War I: The History and Legacy of Zeppelin Air Raids during the Great WarCharles River Editors4.5
Project MK-Ultra: The History of the CIA’s Controversial Human Experimentation ProgramCharles River Editors3.3
Israel’s Wars: The History and Legacy of the Jewish State’s Most Important Military ConflictsCharles River Editors4
Operation Speedy Express: The History and Legacy of One of the Vietnam War’s Most Controversial CampaignsCharles River Editors3
The Stonewall Brigade and Hood’s Brigade: The History of the Most Famous Units in Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia during the Civil WarCharles River Editors2
The Special Operations Executive and the Office of Strategic Services: The History of the British and American Intelligence Agencies during World War IICharles River Editors
British Intelligence in the World Wars: The History and Legacy of Britain’s Covert Activities during Both ConflictsCharles River Editors3.5
Recent UFO Sightings: The History and Mysteries of UFO Encounters in the Last 70 YearsCharles River Editors4
Simon Magus: The Life of the Samaritan Who Converted to Christianity and Confronted Peter the Apostle in the 1st CenturyCharles River Editors5
King Mithridates the Great of Pontus: The Life and Legacy of the Leader Who Challenged Rome during the Mithridatic WarsCharles River Editors4.5
Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung: The Pioneering Lives and Works of History’s Most Influential PsychologistsCharles River Editors4.3
The Sandinistas: The Controversial History and Legacy of the Socialist Party’s Revolution, Civil War, and Politics in NicaraguaCharles River Editors3
African Americans and the Revolutionary War: The History of Black Soldiers in the American RevolutionCharles River Editors4
The Columbia Disaster: The History of the Last Space Shuttle to Be Lost During a MissionCharles River Editors
Ancient Greek Cavalry: The History and Legacy of Classical Greece’s Forgotten SoldiersCharles River Editors3.5
What if Carthage Won the Punic Wars? An Alternative History of the Conflict Between Rome and CarthageCharles River Editors2.9
The Wall Street Bombing of 1920: The History and Legacy of the Notorious Anarchist Attack on New York CityCharles River Editors4
Beavers and Plumes: The History of the Trade and Conflicts Over Beaver Hats and Feathered HatsCharles River Editors5
The Haitian Revolution: The History and Legacy of the Slave Uprising that Led to Haiti’s IndependenceCharles River Editors3
The War of the Sicilian Vespers: The History and Legacy of Sicily’s Rebellion against the French in the Late 13th CenturyCharles River Editors3.7
The Greek Dark Ages: The History and Legacy of the Era Between the Fall of the Mycenaeans and the Rise of the City-StatesCharles River Editors4.7
The Crusades in Europe: The History of the Catholic Crusaders’ Campaigns against the Ottomans and Christians across the ContinentCharles River Editors
Social Experiments in the 20th Century: The History of the World’s Most Famous and Infamous Psychological ExperimentsCharles River Editors
The Colony of Virginia: The History of the British Empire’s Largest Colony Before the American RevolutionCharles River Editors
Papa Doc and Baby Doc Duvalier: The Lives and Legacies of Haiti’s Most Notorious RulersCharles River Editors3.5
The History and Legacy of America’s Most Unusual Riots in the Early 19th CenturyCharles River Editors5
Underground and Underwater in World War I: The History and Legacy of the Hidden Fighting during the Great WarCharles River Editors
The Miami: The History and Legacy of the Native American Tribe across the Great Lakes and OklahomaCharles River Editors5
The World Health Organization: The History and Legacy of the UN’s Top International Public Health AgencyCharles River Editors3
The Gutians: The History and Legacy of the Asian Nomads Who Spread across the Near East in AntiquityCharles River Editors5
The Cambrian Period: The History and Legacy of the Start of Complex Life on EarthCharles River Editors4
The Varangian Guard: The History and Legacy of the Byzantine Empire’s Elite Mercenary UnitCharles River Editors3.5
The Whig Party: The History and Legacy of the Influential Political Party in 19th Century AmericaCharles River Editors4.5
The Albigensian Crusade: The History and Legacy of the Catholic Campaign against the Cathars in FranceCharles River Editors3
The Robertson Panel: The History and Legacy of the Secret Government Committee that Investigated UFO Sightings in AmericaCharles River Editors4