In this installment of the Wolf’s Den, JB interviews his old friend, Tommy Chong. Tommy gained fame in the seventies as the Anglo half of the legendary, ganja-obsessed comedy duo, Cheech and Chong. He’s managed to remain in the limelight pretty much ever since by appearing in a wide variety of movies and television shows, as well as selling his own brand of water pipes. Chong’s bongs landed him in a little hot bongwater a few years back, and he ended up befriending JB when they were both at camp upstate.JB and Tommy reminisce about their days inside when they were bunkmates, talk Trump, politics, weed, and women, and generally have a familiar and fascinating conversation about everything from government conspiracy theories, to the Russian involvement in the 2016 election, to living in the moment.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this installment of the Wolf’s Den, JB interviews his old friend, Tommy Chong. Tommy gained fame in the seventies as the Anglo half of the legendary, ganja-obsessed comedy duo, Cheech and Chong. He’s managed to remain in the limelight pretty much ever since by appearing in a wide variety of movies and television shows, as well as selling his own brand of water pipes. Chong’s bongs landed him in a little hot bongwater a few years back, and he ended up befriending JB when they were both at camp upstate.JB and Tommy reminisce about their days inside when they were bunkmates, talk Trump, politics, weed, and women, and generally have a familiar and fascinating conversation about everything from government conspiracy theories, to the Russian involvement in the 2016 election, to living in the moment.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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