The Monster of Harrods: Al-Fayed and the secret, shameful history of a British institution Alison Kervin
Human Trafficking: Modern-Day Slavery, Sex Trafficking, and Child Prostitution in the Global Economy Marcus Kline
Slow Sex: Enjoying Your Intimate Moments - Art of Slowing Things Down, Mesmerize With Prolonged Passion and Get Reacquainted Xenia Watson3
Technology and Work: Revealing the Impact of Technology and Workplace Dynamics (4 in 1) Zoey Fraisers
Breaking the Silence Habit: A Practical Guide to Uncomfortable Conversations in the #MeToo Workplace Sarah Beaulieu
Happy Face Serial Killer: A Daughter’s Struggle to Understand the Man Who Became a Monster Samantha Blackwell
The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon: Unveiling Victorian London's Dark Underbelly: A Call to Social Reform William Thomas Stead
National Relations: Public diplomacy, national identity and the Swedish Institute 1945-1970 Nikolas Glover
Political Change and the Rise of Labour in Comparative Perspective: Britain and Sweden 1890-1920 Mary Hilson
Love's Blood: The Shocking True Story of a Teenager Who Would Do Anything for the Older Man She Loved—Even Kill Her Whole Family Clark Howard