حرب أهلية

حرب أهلية

  1. USA's Bloody Birth World History
  2. Wounded for Life: Seven Union Veterans of the Civil War Robert D. Hicks
  3. الاعترافات ربيع جابر
  4. Hospital Sketches from the Civil War Louisa May Alcott
  5. برًا وبحرًا وجوًا مجهول
  6. Sisson’s Kingdom: Floyd County’s Civil War Rand Dotson
  7. Homage to Catalonia George Orwell
  8. Palaces of Revolution: Life, Death and Art at the Stuart Court Simon Thurley
  9. Unlikely Warriors: The British in the Spanish Civil War and the Struggle Against Fascism Richard Baxell
  10. Empress of Eternity L. E. Modesitt, Jr.
  11. The Polk Conspiracy: Murder and Cover-Up in the Case of CBS News Correspondent George Polk Kati Marton
  12. Savage Coast: A Novel Muriel Rukeyser
  13. Brixton Beach Roma Tearne
  14. To Rescue the Republic: Ulysses S. Grant, the Fragile Union, and the Crisis of 1876 Bret Baier
  15. الهجران، فصل الآباء سومر شحادة
  16. In the Midst of Civilized Europe: The 1918–1921 Pogroms in Ukraine and the Onset of the Holocaust Jeffrey Veidlinger
  17. The Making of a Civilian Soldier in the Civil War: The First Diary of Private WIlliam J. McLean Along the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal and the Affair of Edwards Ferry Dennis D. Urban
  18. Harvest of Swords Nicholas Carter
  19. The Jewish Confederates Robert N. Rosen
  20. When God was King: Rebels & radicals of the Civil War & Mayflower generation Martyn Whittock
  21. Harriet Tubman, the Moses of Her People Sarah H. Bradford
  22. Hospital Sketches Louisa May Alcott
  23. الرواية والحرب نبيل سليمان
  24. While I Remember Becky Grubbs Ritter
  25. Black Cloud Rising David Wright Faladé
  26. Hospital Sketches Louisa May Alcott
  27. The Narrative of William Wells Brown, A Fugitive Slave William Wells Brown
  28. North America Anthony Trollope
  29. Hospital Sketches: An Army Nurses's True Account of Her Experience During the Civil War Louisa May Alcott
  30. What I Saw of Shiloh -The Memories and Experiences of Ambrose Bierce During the American Civil War Ambrose Bierce
  31. Hell Itself: The Battle of the Wilderness, May 5-7, 1864 Chris Mackowski
  32. Another Bloody Chapter in an Endless Civil War: Northern Ireland and the Troubles, 1984–87 Ken Wharton
  33. Strike Them a Blow: Battle along the North Anna River, May 21-25, 1864 Chris Mackowski
  34. العار Taslima Nasrin
  35. Dashrajna War of the Rigveda Dr Mugdha Gadgil
  36. 14 Edicts of Ashoka - The Story of a Great King Shri Bhupal Patwardhan
  37. Life and legacy of Bharat Ratna P. V. Kane Dr Shreenand Bapat
  38. From Underground Railroad to Rebel Refuge: Canada and the Civil War Brian Martin
  39. Never Sleep Fred Van Lente
  40. The Revels Stacey Thomas
  41. A People's History of Catalonia Michael Eaude
  42. The Handy Civil War Answer Book Samuel Willard Crompton
  43. Heroes for All Time: Connecticut Civil War Soldiers Tell Their Stories Dione Longley
  44. The Dying Place Charly Cox
  45. "If We Are Striking for Pennsylvania": The Army of Northern Virginia and the Army of the Potomac March to Gettysburg: Volume 2: June 22-30, 1863 Eric J. Wittenberg
  46. Our Fathers Fought Franco
  47. A History of the Civil War: The Conflict that Defined the United States Brooks D Simpson
  48. My Port of Beirut Lamia Ziadé
  49. Flags on the Bayou James Lee urke
  50. Blood on the Snow: The Russian Revolution 1914-1924 Robert Service