Experience the high-stakes drama of "Lootere" exclusively on Disney+Hotstar! Join Captain A K Singh and his crew as they face a terrifying ordeal when Somali pirates seize their cargo ship. Created by Hansal Mehta and Shailesh R Singh, this gripping thriller unfolds over 8 episodes, weaving a tale of panic, fear, and desperation at sea. Does the web series stay as afloat as it intends to be, or does it hit the iceberg? Watch our review for the show, and tell us what you thought about it.
Experience the high-stakes drama of "Lootere" exclusively on Disney+Hotstar! Join Captain A K Singh and his crew as they face a terrifying ordeal when Somali pirates seize their cargo ship. Created by Hansal Mehta and Shailesh R Singh, this gripping thriller unfolds over 8 episodes, weaving a tale of panic, fear, and desperation at sea. Does the web series stay as afloat as it intends to be, or does it hit the iceberg? Watch our review for the show, and tell us what you thought about it.
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