"Gujarat Independent MLA Jignesh Mevani who was arrested by Assam Police was granted bail yesterday. He got the bail at a court in Assam’s Barpeta district. Mevani was arrested from Palanpur in Gujarat by a team of Assam Police officials in connection with a case registered against him for his tweets asking PM Modi to appeal for peace. That's quite ironic. People are getting cases against them for asking the leader of the country to appeal for peace. Well, he did receive bail from a Kokrajhar court. But, within a few hours of getting bail, he was re-arrested by Assam Police. What was the charge? that Jignesh Mevani allegedly assaulted a female police official. This case was filed in Barpeta districts on a complaint by a woman police officer who accused him of “assaulting” her and “outraging her modesty”. The court yesterday granted him bail, but it did have some questions for the police. And in fact, the court pulled up the state police saying that they filed a ""False FIR"" and for “abusing the process of the court and the law”. Not only that, the court went a step further and warned the police against “converting our hard-earned democracy into a police state”. Now today, in this video, we will talk about what the court said. And then We will also talk about CJI NV Ramana's statement on the Action or inactions of govt in following law. You can watch the entire video on HW News Youtube channel, but all the same. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
"Gujarat Independent MLA Jignesh Mevani who was arrested by Assam Police was granted bail yesterday. He got the bail at a court in Assam’s Barpeta district. Mevani was arrested from Palanpur in Gujarat by a team of Assam Police officials in connection with a case registered against him for his tweets asking PM Modi to appeal for peace. That's quite ironic. People are getting cases against them for asking the leader of the country to appeal for peace. Well, he did receive bail from a Kokrajhar court. But, within a few hours of getting bail, he was re-arrested by Assam Police. What was the charge? that Jignesh Mevani allegedly assaulted a female police official. This case was filed in Barpeta districts on a complaint by a woman police officer who accused him of “assaulting” her and “outraging her modesty”. The court yesterday granted him bail, but it did have some questions for the police. And in fact, the court pulled up the state police saying that they filed a ""False FIR"" and for “abusing the process of the court and the law”. Not only that, the court went a step further and warned the police against “converting our hard-earned democracy into a police state”. Now today, in this video, we will talk about what the court said. And then We will also talk about CJI NV Ramana's statement on the Action or inactions of govt in following law. You can watch the entire video on HW News Youtube channel, but all the same. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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