Insektenes planet: om de rare, nyttige og fascinerende småkrypene vi ikke kan leve uten Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson4.6
Norge: landet vårt gjennom tre milliarder år : 60 steder - 60 fortellinger om norsk natur Reidar Müller4.7
Survival: The Prepper List: The Best Guide On Survival & Prepping Including Tips On Water Supply, Bushcraft & Cooking K.K.1.7
Paracord: Paracord 101: Paracord Beginners Guide On Successfully Crafting 30 Useful and Simple Paracord Projects With Illustrations For Everyone! (With Bonus Secret Survival Tips!) Alex Freeman1
Survive the Unthinkable: Essential Tricks to Conquer Crisis Situations: "Master crisis management with our dynamic audio lessons for surviving the unthinkable!" Soren Ashwood
Survive Anything: Unseen Strategies to Master Life's Toughest Challenges: "Master every hurdle! Discover life-changing audio strategies to thrive through adversity." Jasper Calloway
Prepared for Life’s Unlikeliest Crisis: Secrets to Surviving the Unexpected: "Elevate your survival skills! Discover essential audio lessons for mastering life’s toughest surprises." Lysander Caldwell
Waking Up: How I Grew to Love My Body and Myself While Solo-Hiking Across Northern England, A Memoir Kay Lock Kolp, M.Ed.