Etikk og moral

Etikk og moral

  1. Fengslet: en personlig beretning om fortvilelse og håp Andreas Ribe-Nyhus
  2. Alle mennesker er ikke like mye verdt Lindis Hurum
  3. 21 tanker for det 21. århundre Yuval Noah Harari
  4. Evighetsmennesket: om teknologi, vitenskap og udødelighet Annelin Eriksen
  5. Mer enn bare orden: 12 nye regler for livet Jordan B. Peterson
  6. 12 regler for livet: en motgift til kaos Jordan B. Peterson
  7. The Leadership Genius of Julius Caesar Phillip Barlag
  8. Nietzsche: Philosophy in an Hour Paul Strathern
  9. Stoisk uro: og andre filosofiske smular Agnes Ravatn
  10. Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction, 2nd Edition Samir Okasha
  11. An Appeal to the World: The Way to Peace in a Time of Division Dalai Lama
  12. I livets skole: rapport fra en avgangselev Inge Eidsvåg
  13. Da Gud skiftet mening Tomm Kristiansen
  14. 100 Quotes by Seneca the Younger Seneca the Younger
  15. Ikigai Journey Rye Shiro
  16. Det var ikke min skyld!: om kunsten å ta ansvar Ann Heberlein
  17. Supremacy: Winner of the FT Business Book of the Year 2024 Parmy Olson
  18. Thomas Aquinas: Philosophy in an Hour Paul Strathern
  19. Ingen tror på nåtiden: drømmene fra 1989, hvorfor verden blir mørkere og jakten på lyspunkter Torbjørn Røe Isaksen
  20. 100 Quotes by Marcus Aurelius: Great Philosophers & Their Inspiring Thoughts Marcus Aurelius
  21. Thought cannot bring about an insight: Dialogue 2 Brockwood Park and Gstaad 1975 Jiddu Krishnamurti
  22. Stoicism: Introduction to the Stoic Way of Life Ryan James
  23. The Four Agreements: Book Summary Don Miguel Ruiz
  24. Aldri vold Astrid Lindgren
  25. Bortgift mot min vilja Frida Funemyr
  26. Stoisk uro Agnes Ravatn
  27. A Joosr Guide to… The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot Joosr
  28. Adios, America by Ann Coulter | Key Takeaways, Analysis & Review: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole IRB Media
  29. The Fourth Civilization, Volume Two: Technology, Ethics, and Society Richard J. Sutcliffe
  30. Beyond Good and Evil: “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” Friedrich Nietzsche
  31. The Dark Years?: Philosophy, Politics, and the Problem of Predictions Jacob L. Goodson
  32. God and The Twelve Problems of Evil: Into Great Mystery Thomas Ronald Vaughan
  33. With Your Latte: A Little Wisdom to Lighten Your Way Charles R. Ringma
  34. Beyond Tomorrow: The Future of AI and Humanity Riley S. Ashton
  35. Meditations Marcus Aurelius
  36. Aristotle: The Complete Works Aristotle
  37. Epicurus: Pleasure, Atoms, and the Good Life Hector Davidson
  38. Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals Immanuel Kant
  39. The Divine Comedy. Inferno Dante Alighieri
  40. The Divine Comedy. Paradise Dante Alighieri
  41. Moralens økologi: essay Erland Kiøsterud
  42. Motorhome Living: A Guide to Simple Living and Personal Growth on the Road: Transform Your Life Through Frugal Living and Lifestyle Change While Creating a Minimalist Mobile Home Experience Artemis Saage
  43. What We Owe the Future: Book Summary & Analysis William MacAskill
  44. Ethics: A History of Moral Thought Peter Kreeft
  45. The Moral Compass: Navigating Right and Wrong in Modern Times Henry J. Howes
  46. The Edge of Knowledge: How Philosophy Shapes Science Henry J. Howes
  47. Ethics in the Gray: Understanding Morality in a Complex World Henry J. Howes
  48. High Tech and Hot Pot: Revealing Encounters Inside the Real China Stephan Orth
  49. Hur vill du dö? : Om makten över livets slut PC Jersild
  50. Duktig flicka : Misogynins logik Kate Manne