Heder: Den sanna historien om en ung muslims vägran att bli förslavad av hederskulturen Ferzanna Riley Persson4
Jennie från Håsten: En överlevares berättelse om missbruk, våld och grova sexuella övergrepp Lotta Ahlgren Svensson4.2
Girl Alone: Joss came home from school to discover her father’s suicide. Angry and hurting, she’s out of control. Cathy Glass4.5
New Delhi - Borås : den osannolika berättelsen om indiern som cyklade till Sverige för kärlekens skull Per J. Andersson4.2
Nothing Bad Between Us: A Mennonite Missionary's Daughter Finds Healing in Her Brokenness Marlena Fiol
How to Be a Refugee: The gripping true story of how one family hid their Jewish origins to survive the Nazis Simon May5
Sole Survivor: The Inspiring True Story of Coming Face to Face with the Infamous Railroad Killer Holly K. Dunn
Someone Somewhere Knows Something: A gripping collection of true crime stories based on the hit podcast The Missing Australia, for readers of I Catch Killers and Stalking Claremont Meni Caroutas