
  1. Skynd deg å elske - Om å holde sammen når dagene mørkner Laila Lanes
  2. Et langsomt farvel: årene med pappas demens og alt vi skulle ha snakket om Helene Sandvig
  3. Nå og tilbake Santa Montefiore
  4. Unseen Academicals: A Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett
  5. Jeg er fortsatt her inne i mørket Annie Ernaux
  6. Innan jag glömmer Helene Arkhem
  7. Demens: alt du bør vite om demenssykdommer og hvordan de kan forhindres Geir Selbæk
  8. Musikk og hjernen Are Brean
  9. Not My Problem Ciara Smyth
  10. Mors gaver Cecilie Enger
  11. Dement diamant Toril Brekke
  12. August Sunsets Katie Winters
  13. Robin: The Definitive Biography of Robin Williams Dave Itzkoff
  14. Den sista djävulen att dö Richard Osman
  15. Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Glucose, Metabolism and Limitless Health Dr. Casey Means
  16. En sång för Hedda Annika Estassy
  17. Musikkens magi: om demenskoret, livsglede og sangens kraft Erik Eikehaug
  18. Solsken på menyn Debbie Johnson
  19. Live and Laugh with Dementia: The essential guide to maximizing quality of life Lee-Lay Fow
  20. Mother Lode: Confessions of a Reluctant Caregiver Gretchen Staebler
  21. Eg kom ikkje heim før det vart natt: roman Arne Ruset
  22. En dements dagbok Thomas Chr. Wyller
  23. Multi-Species Dementia Studies: Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach
  24. The Alzheimer's Prevention Food Guide: A Quick Nutritional Reference to Foods that Nourish and Protect the Brain from Alzheimer's Disease Sue Stillman Linja
  25. Parkinson's Disease Guide for the Newly Diagnosed: Understanding the Disease, Managing Your Symptoms & Navigating Treatment Peter LeWitt
  26. Mayo Clinic on Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias: A Guide for People with Dementia and Those Who Care for Them Jonathan Graff-Radford
  27. The Caregiver's Guide to Dementia: Practical Advice for Caring for Yourself and Your Loved One Gail Weatherill
  28. Alzheimer’s Diet: A Beginner's Step-by-Step Guide With Recipes and a Meal Plan Brandon Gilta
  29. Where Two Worlds Touch: The Spirit and Science of Alzheimer’s Caregiving Jade C. Angelica
  30. The Final Season: The Perseverance of Pat Summitt Maria Cornelius
  31. Parkinson's Disease: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Hope for the Future Lilly Richardsen
  32. Dancing with Lewy: A Father-Daughter Dance, Before and After Lewy Body Dementia Came to Live With Us Nancy R. Poland
  33. The Evil That Men Do Dave White
  34. Caring for Loved Ones: Empowering Strategies for Dementia Support: "Elevate your caregiving skills! Discover empowering audio lessons for effective dementia support and loving connections." Kellan Ashford
  35. Is It Alzheimer's 2nd Edition: 101 Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Memory Loss and Dementia Peter V. Rabins
  36. Jag skriver över ditt ansikte Anna-Karin Palm
  37. Glöm allt men inte mig Philomène Grandin
  38. Route 66 går till Trollhättan Bodil Sjöström
  39. Where Ravens Roost Karin Nordin
  40. Enough About Me: The Unexpected Power of Selflessness Richard Lui
  41. The Tunnel A.B. Yehoshua
  42. 500 Ketogenic Recipes: Hundreds of Easy and Delicious Recipes for Losing Weight, Improving Your Health, and Staying in the Ketogenic Zone Dana Carpender
  43. Pencil-Free Puzzles: 60-Second Brain Teasers: Short Head-Scratchers from the Easy to Near Impossible Nathan Haselbauer
  44. Soulful Baker: From highly creative fruit tarts and pies to chocolate, desserts and weekend brunch Julie Jones
  45. Crime Puzzles: 60 Second Brain Teasers: Short Forensic Mysteries to Challenge Your Inner Amateur Detective Diane Capri
  46. Intermittent Fasting Cookbook: Fast-Friendly Recipes for Optimal Health, Weight Loss, and Results Nicole Poirier
  47. Keto: A Woman's Guide: The Groundbreaking Program for Effective Fat-Burning, Weight Loss & Hormonal Balance Tasha Metcalf
  48. Super Low-Carb Snacks: 100 Delicious Keto and Paleo Treats for Fat Burning and Great Nutrition Martina Slajerova
  49. Keto Simple: Over 100 Delicious Low-Carb Meals That Are Easy on Time, Budget, and Effort Martina Slajerova
  50. The Beginner's KetoDiet Cookbook: Over 100 Delicious Whole Food, Low-Carb Recipes for Getting in the Ketogenic Zone, Breaking Your Weight-Loss Plateau, and Living Keto for Life Martina Slajerova