1. Old Man's War John Scalzi
  2. Enhörningen Steffen Jacobsen
  3. Beggars in Spain Nancy Kress
  4. The Left Hand of Darkness Ursula K. Le Guin
  5. Pandora's Star Peter F. Hamilton
  6. Brave New World Aldous Huxley
  7. Artificial Intelligence Richard Urwin
  8. Health in the Digital Age: The Rise of Personalized Medicine Arlo Voss
  9. Bioceramics: Status in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (Part 1)
  10. Immortality Inc.: The Science and Business of Living Forever Arlo Voss
  11. Falling Free Lois McMaster Bujold
  12. Ethan of Athos Lois McMaster Bujold
  13. Patenting Life: Tales from the Front Lines of Intellectual Property and the New Biology Jorge Goldstein
  14. Enzyme Inhibition - Environmental and Biomedical Applications
  15. Genetic Technology: Transforming the Future Bhima Pothuvaal
  16. Andrographolide and its Analogs: Botanical Sources, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, and Biotechnology
  17. Unfolding the Biopolymer Landscape
  18. Microbial Nanotechnology: The Future of Science Ankal Ahluwalia
  19. Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Advances Kailash Verma
  20. Agri-Food Biotechnology: Innovations for the Future Nanda Kaniyar
  21. Tissue Engineering Explained Vaijayanthi Nayar
  22. Bioinformatics: Merging Biology and Technology Mani Devar
  23. Biochip Medical Future Leo Musk
  24. Rapid Genetic Advances Zara Sagan
  25. A Door into Ocean Joan Slonczewski
  26. Biotechnology for Animal Health Chandrabhaga Desai
  27. The Other Dark Matter Lina Zeldovich
  28. Biological Motion: A History of Life Janina Wellmann
  29. The Mutant Project: Inside the Global Race to Genetically Modify Humans Eben Kirksey
  30. Genesis Seed: The Epic Saga of One Man's Genetic Power Unlocked from an Ancient Alien Code M. A. Stewart
  31. Vascularization in Tissue Engineering
  32. Advances in Biosensing Technology for Medical Diagnosis
  33. Gene Editing Advances Zara Sagan
  34. Biotechnology: The Future of Science Mike Crawford
  35. 30-Second Engineering: 50 key fields, methods, and principles, each explained in half a minute James Trevelyan
  36. Distrust that Particular Flavor: Encounters with a Future that's already here William Gibson
  37. Etik och genteknik : filosofiska och religiösa perspektiv på genterapi, stamcellsforskning och kloning
  38. Kreativa kunskapsmiljöer i bioteknik : en studie av svenska forskargrupper i akademin och i industrin Sven Hemlin
  39. Dagens gennyheter : hur massmedier berättar om genetik och genteknik Malin Ideland
  40. Merchants of Immortality: Chasing the Dream of Human Life Extension Stephen S. Hall
  41. Prophets of the Posthuman: American Fiction, Biotechnology, and the Ethics of Personhood Christina Bieber Lake
  42. Geniernas återkomst : krönika P. C. Jersild
  43. Agricultural Benefits of Postharvest Banana Plants Dibakar Chandra Deka
  44. Biotechnology in the Time of COVID-19: Commentaries from the Front Line
  45. CRISPR People: The Science and Ethics of Editing Humans Henry T. Greely
  46. Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19 Matt Ridley
  47. Daemonorg Prison-Lab Ben Ormstad
  48. A History of the Medicines We Take: From Ancient Times to Present Day Anthony C. Cartwright
  49. Programming The Future: A Look Into How Technology Will Change the World as We Know It Edward Graham
  50. A Comprehensive Guide to Nanoparticles in Medicine Rituparna Acharya