1. By the Pricking of my Thumbs Agatha Christie
  2. Confessions of a Male Nurse Michael Alexander
  3. Palliative Care: Managing Chronic and End-of-Life Conditions Ava Westwood
  4. Stop Micromanaging: How To Release The Reins and Improve Your Culture Chayla Cooper
  5. Hemmet Mats Strandberg
  6. Ways to Improve Leadership Qualities: Lead, Empower, & Motivate your Employee's Stephen Berkley
  7. A Quick Guide to Relationship-Based Care Creative Health Care Management
  8. Granny Cool Singapore Hospice Council
  9. Lawrence of Arabia Singapore Hospice Council
  10. Dr. Guardian Angel Singapore Hospice Council
  11. From Alzheimer’s with Love: A Remarkable Journey of Healing through the Grace of Jesus Marc Swift
  12. Lyckelängan - en kriminalroman Axel Vilde
  13. Ali och Blåklockans hjältar Ann Fagerberg Embretsén
  14. Lisen löser mysteriet Cecilia Sundh
  15. Human-Centered Leadership in Healthcare Kay Kennedy
  16. Äldreboendet Pärleporten Sara H. Olsson
  17. Raising the Bar on Service Excellence Kristin Psy.D. Baird
  18. Dit kan jag gå och sakna dig Kerstin Lundgren
  19. DaVinci's Baby Boomer Survival Guide: Live, Prosper, and Thrive in Your Retirement Barbara Rockefeller
  20. The Modern Fire Officer: Communicate, Motivate, & Lead Jared Vermeulen
  21. Listening, Learning, Caring and Counselling: The Essential Manual for Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Counsellors and Other Healthcare Professionals on Caring for Their Clients Kate Howell
  22. Belonging in Healthcare: The Better Allies® Approach to Creating More Inclusive Workplaces Karen Catlin
  23. Peaceful Breeze Mark Carrington
  24. Uppvaknandet Emma Ikekwe
  25. My Parents' Keeper: The Guilt, Grief, Guesswork, and Unexpected Gifts of Caregiving Jody Gastfriend
  26. Vindsjälar Mons Kallentoft
  27. Rewiring Excellence: Hardwired to Rewired Quint Studer
  28. Death Without Dignity?: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Europe John Wyatt
  29. Curing Physician Management Alan Greenglass
  30. Folk dör här : en pappa, två äldreboenden och välfärdens framtid Thord Eriksson
  31. Sirila gentlemän sökes Karin Brunk Holmqvist
  32. HELP! Someone I Love Has Cancer: How You Can Really Make a Difference Joel Hughes
  33. Sixty Years a Nurse Mary Hazard
  34. A Cruel Deception: A Bess Crawford Mystery Charles Todd
  35. How to Age in Place: Planning for a Happy, Independent, and Financially Secure Retirement Mary A. Languirand
  36. How To Help Someone With Cancer: 70 Ways to Help Cancer Patients and Their Families During Cancer Treatment Shannon Benish
  37. A Loving Approach To Dementia Care: Making Meaningful Connections with the Person Who Has Alzheimer's Disease or Other Dementia or Memory Loss: Making Meaningful Connections with the Person Who Has Alzheimer’s Disease Or Other Dementia or Memory Loss Laura Wayman
  38. At the Coalface: The memoir of a pit nurse Joan Hart
  39. NCLEX Review Book: Conquer the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) on Your First Try | Unleash an Extensive Range of Practice Tests | Uncover Proven Tactics | Fun and Interactive Learning Sessions | Streamlined Path to Certification Victory! Maxwel Breckenridge
  40. Adamsons Gerda Antti
  41. Sources of Home: Inspiration for Travelers S.M. Marya
  42. Sankte Per Björn Hellberg
  43. When Reasoning No Longer Works: A Practical Guide for Caregivers Dealing with Dementia & Alzheimer's Care Angel Smits
  44. Onward! Doctor De's Life of Love, Compassion, and Leadership Bringing Women to the Forefront of Medicine Catherine DeAngelis
  45. The Nightingale Gene: Lessons to Living a Balanced Life & Having the Nursing Career of Your Dreams Jayne Van Brunt
  46. Notes on Nursing: What it Is, and What it Is Not Florence Nightingale
  47. Caregiving Insights: Lessons Learned Lise Leblanc
  48. To Die Well: Your Right to Comfort, Calm, and Choice in the last Days of Life Sidney Wanzer
  49. Conscious Caregiving Guide: Caregiving Starts Here Lise Leblanc
  50. Offshore Aino Trosell