Exploring the Role of International Humanitarian Organizations in Providing Mental and Health Psychosocial Support: a comprehensive examinationLarissa Kodama
Derived from Anna Sophia's Magical World Saga: the Captain and the Immediate the Valley of DeathDIEGO HENRIQUE DE LIMA OLIVEIRA
Immigration Law and Policy in Brazil: assessing a presumable shift from the perspective of immigrants as threats towards subjects of rightsLuciane B. D. Pivetta
What Works for Crime Victims: criminal justice, victim support centers, and the emotional well-being of crime victimsAlline Pedra Jorge
The Clicker Man: how the Internet gives access to everything, but most of what we see is a mirror image of ourselves that keeps us in an ego-loop!Cid Gonçalves Filho
The Figure of the Author in a Global Context: a case study of Gabriel García Márquez and his authorial brandRaphaele Freire Limas
The Right of Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors: The Legality of the Unable or Unwilling Doctrine and How to Improve Its Application in International LawEduardo Granzotto
Slowly Improving Human Protection: The normative character of R2P - Responsibility to Protect - and how it can slowly modify States behavior on Human protectionRafael Luchini
Supermarkets and private standards of sustainability: the responsibility to protect without protectionismTiago Matsuoka Megale
Mediation in state courts: an analytical comparison of mediation practices in the United States of America and BrazilFlávia Maria Aires Freire Allemão
Immigrants, migratory system: controversial aspects from a legal and humanist scopeAlex Alves do Nascimento
Nation-State Cyber Offensive Capabilities: an in-depth look into a multipolar dimensionEduardo Izycki
Advances in the iterative coupling between flow-geomechanical simulators: applied to cases with different contour conditionsYuri Nunes Saraiva
Business-State Relations under PT Governments: participatory policy-making in BrazilStefanie Tomé Schmitt
"Cuidado!" in urban Brazil: an auto ethnographic discussion of fear and safety in public spaceHan Hui (York) Tseng
On the process of maintenance decision-making in the offshore operational environment of the oil and gas industry: a systems approachMario Marcondes Machado
The principles of christian education and the confessional schools lutheran administration in the context of the pedagogic ideas in the south of BrazilMarli Dockhorn Lemke
A Thousand Heroes and One: The Hero's Journey in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and FireArthur Maia
Social dialogue and the role of the brazilian labour inspection in dealing with the new Coronavirus pandemicDiego Pinto de Barros Leal
Manual of Mediation and Arbitration in Intellectual Property: model for developing countriesAlice Kelly
Electronic commerce and digital services: from international concepts and normative development in the european bloc to prospects for the European Union – Mercosur agreementJúlio César Parente Patrocínio
The long and winding lawsuit: how procedural slowness leads Brazil to breaching the 1980 Hague Convention and what to do to change the path we are onRodrigo Meira
State Tax Competition ("Guerra Fiscal"): comparative study of the Brazilian and Swiss tax collection power and revenue sharing systemsSergio Mitsuo Vilela
The brazilian CFIA model as a mechanism for enhancing protection and respect for socio-economic rightsMarina Martins Martes
Narrative, Genre and Ideology in Video Games: an analysis of gender roles and structures of powerBruna Pickler
Sustainable synthesis of ciclopentene derivatives through multicomponent reactions in continuous flow regimeYoisel Bueno Broterson