1. $100M Offers: How to Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No Alex Hormozi
  2. Summary of Never Split The Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It Chris Voss
  3. Duistere psychologie: Hoe mensen ons chanteren, manipuleren en overhalen Gerard de Vogel
  4. Dit Is Nu Marketing: Focus op empathie en authenticiteit voor echte impact Seth Godin
  5. Geef Nooit Korting!: 31 adviezen om prijsdruk te weerstaan en je waarde te behouden Jos Burgers
  6. Business Affiliate Marketing RWG Publishing
  7. Sales Beter de Baas: Meer klanten en meer omzet met een verbeterde salesstrategie Edwin de Haas
  8. Sales Mastery: Unlimited Leads Eric Lofholm
  9. Sales Mastery: Closing Eric Lofholm
  10. Inclusieve communicatie: Alles wat je moet weten om een divers publiek te bereiken Challouki Hanan
  11. Niche, Please Gerard Hall
  12. Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising: Revised and Expanded Ryan Holiday
  13. Breakout Brands Jared Schrieber
  14. Fanatical Prospecting: The Ultimate Guide to Opening Sales Conversations and Filling the Pipeline by Leveraging Social Selling, Telephone, Email, Text, and Cold Calling Jeb Blount
  15. Building a StoryBrand 2.0: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen Donald Miller
  16. Sales Truth: Debunk the Myths. Apply Powerful Principles. Win More New Sales. Mike Weinberg
  17. The Mom Test: How to Talk to Customers & Learn if Your Business is a Good Idea When Everyone is Lying to You Rob Fitzpatrick
  18. The Science of Positive Focus– Live Seminar: Master Keys for Reaching Your Next Level Brian Tracy
  19. Sales vanuit je Hart: Hoe je echt van betekenis bent, voor de klant en voor jezelf Richard van Kray
  20. Storytelling: A Guide on How to Tell a Story with Storytelling Techniques and Storytelling Secrets James Moore
  21. ​High Ticket Sales Secrets Jim Stephens
  22. Negotiation Skills for Salespeople: Get What You Want at the Negotiating Table Made for Success
  23. JUMPin2it Breakthru Marketing Guide: Turn Your Vision into Fast Wins and Lasting Success Gabrielle Hailmann
  24. Marketing Magic Manuel Suarez
  25. Google Goldrush: Unlocking the Secrets of Local Search Dominance Namon Kent
  26. Digital Marketing: Strategies for Online Success Godfrey Parkin
  27. De Salesparadox: Consultative Selling voor ervaren consultants Toine Simons
  28. The Qualified Sales Leader: Proven lessons from a 5 Time CRO John McMahon
  29. Negocios y relaciones internacionales colombo-venezolanas: Divergencias políticas en vecindades económicas complementarias Luis Nelson Beltrán Mora
  30. Network and Multi Level Marketing Mastery: Follow The Ultimate MLM Business Guide For Gaining Success Today Using Social Media! Learn The Pro’s Secrets on Attaining More Sales, Using Facebook and More Graham Fisher
  31. Social Media Marketing Mastery: Learn Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies That Will Transform Your Business or Agency on Understanding the Power of Analytics, Facebook Advertising, and Much More. Graham Fisher
  32. Exportación: ¿Cómo lo hago?: Guía para diseñar tu estrategia de exportación Nicola Minervini
  33. How To Become A Linkedin Rockstar Chris J. Reed
  34. Mastering the Marketing Entry in the United States: A Marketing Playbook & the Vital Role of Positioning Wilbert Kragten
  35. Picture Your Profit: How a Visual Story Can Elevate a Brand and a Team Pam Reid
  36. The Rise of Serialized Fiction: How Digital Plat-forms Are Reviving Episodic Storytelling Dr. Jack Monro
  37. Investigative Selling System Omar Periu
  38. Sales Anxiety Coaching: How to Become the Best Version of Yourself and Rock it in Sales! various authors
  39. Power Prospecting Strategies Omar Periu
  40. Zen and the Art of Digital Transformation: Leading a Mindful Redesign of the Digital Enterprise Sara Teitelman
  41. Sales Success Secrets: Transform Your Deals with Emotional Intelligence: "Elevate your sales game! Unlock insightful audio lessons that harness emotional intelligence for deal-making success." Jorvik Talbot
  42. Sales Revolution: Transform Conversations into Unstoppable Success: "Master the art of selling! Unlock powerful audio insights for transforming conversations into remarkable sales victories." Ronan Cresswell
  43. Global Expansion Go-to-Market Strategies for Scale-Ups Jan Buis
  44. أسرار التسويق في لغة الجسد: كيف تقرأ الزبائن المحتملين وتحلل إشارات اللاشعور للوصول الى استنتاجات وعقد صفقة ماريان مارينش
  45. Social Media Marketing a Strategic Guide: Learn the Best Digital Advertising Approach & Strategies for Boosting Your Agency or Business with the Power of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google SEO & More Sean Buttle
  46. Social Media Marketing and Passive Income Mastery: A Complete Digital Advertising Guide Including Facebook, Instagram, Google SEO & Youtube! Best Ideas & Strategies to Make Money Online! Sean Buttle
  48. Selling to the Affluent Thomas J. Stanley
  49. أسرار التسويق - 49 سرًا ناجحًا لتنمية المبيعات رون فينكلستين
  50. Listen Up!: How to Tune In to Customers and Turn Down the Noise Karen Mangia