Murder, Witchcraft and the Killing of Wildlife: Memoirs of a Police Officer in the Heart of Africa Stephen R. Matthews
Walking the Bowl: A True Story of Murder and Survival Among the Street Children of Lusaka Chris Lockhart5
The 2% Way: How a Philosophy of Small Improvements Took Me to Oxford, the NFL, and Neurosurgery Dr. Myron L. Rolle1
Conversion as a Social Process: A History of Missionary Christianity among the Valley Tonga, Zambia Ulrich Luig
Frag den Weltenbummler! Südafrika, Botswana, Namibia, Kenia und Ausflüge nach Sambia, Mosambik und Eswatini Carsten Weidling
The Age of Garvey: How a Jamaican Activist Created a Mass Movement and Changed Global Black Politics Adam Ewing