1. Black Powder War Naomi Novik
  2. The Kurds: History of a Forgotten Ethnic Minority Kelly Mass
  3. The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914 Christopher Clark
  4. The City of the Sultan: The City Life and Domestic Manners of the Turks, in 1836 (Vol. 1&2) Complete Edition Miss Pardoe
  5. La battaglia di Gallipoli: I diari del medico di Atatürk Behçet Sabit Erduran
  6. Epic Secrets from Ancient Kings and the Lives They Shaped: "Discover the epic tales of ancient kings! Engaging audio lessons await to enrich your exploration of their timeless secrets." Finnian Prowse
  7. Storm from the East: The Struggle Between the Arab World and the Christian West Milton Viorst
  8. Osman I: Biography of the Founder of the Ottoman Dynasty Kelly Mass
  9. Constantinople: History of the Byzantine Empire’s Gigantic Capital Kelly Mass
  10. Türklerin Kısa Tarihi Tufan Gündüz
  11. The Great Schism: How the Catholic Church Split up Kelly Mass
  12. Zabit ve Kumandan ile Hasbihal Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
  13. ESMIRNA EN LLAMAS: El hundimiento de la metrópoli otomana en 1922 y sus consecuencias para Europa Lutz Kleveman
  14. Historia de Mesopotamia: Una guía fascinante sobre las antiguas civilizaciones, ciudades e imperios de Iraq, Irán, Siria y Turquía Captivating History
  15. سراي نامه: الغازي والدرويش مُحمَّد عبد القهَّار
  16. At Suvla Bay - Being the Notes and Sketches of Scenes, Characters and Adventures of the Dardanelles Campaign (WWI Centenary Series) John Hargrave
  17. Osmanlı-Türk Anayasal Gelişmeleri Bülent Tanör
  18. A Forgotten Front: The Russo-Turkish War in the Caucasus (1914-1917) Morar Bogdan
  19. Historia de Estambul: Breve Historia de la Ciudad de los Imperios, Santa Sofía y el Bósforo Andrés Miguel de Hernán Resquemada
  20. Otomanos: Kanes, césares y califas Marc David Baer
  21. The Start of the Russo-Turkish Wars: The History of the Initial Conflicts Between the Russian Empire and Ottoman Empire Charles River Editors
  22. Kısa Osmanlı Türkiye Tarihi: Padişahlık Kültürü ve Demokrasi Ülküsü Kudret Emiroğlu
  23. Osmanlı Zihniyetinin Oluşumu Ali Fuat Bilkan
  24. Yeni Osmanlı Düşüncesinin Doğuşu Şerif Mardin
  25. Testimony of Ambassador Morgenthau about Armenian Genocide and the Exodus of Greeks Henry Morgenthau
  26. History of the Crusades Joseph François Michaud
  27. History of the Inquisition of Spain Henry Charles Lea
  28. History of Duel: Complete Edition J. G. Millingen
  29. Adalet, Ahlak ve Nizam - Osmanlı Siyasetnameleri Orhan Keskintaş
  30. Japon Modernleşmesi ve Osmanlı - Japonya'nın Türk Dünyası Ve İslam Politikaları Selçuk Esenbel
  31. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda Sosyal Devlet: Siyaset, İktidar ve Meşrutiyet 1876-1914 Nadir Özbek
  32. Osmanlı'da İşçiler (1870-1922) - Çalışma Hayatı, Örgütler, Grevler Kadir Yıldırım
  33. The Ottoman-Russian Wars of the 18th Century: The History of the Conflicts that Strengthened Russia and Led to the Decline of the Ottoman Empire Charles River Editors
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  35. The Ottoman-Russian Wars of the 19th Century: The History of the Conflicts Between Russia and the Ottoman Empire Leading Up to World War I Charles River Editors
  36. Lord Byrons letzte Fahrt: Eine Geschichte des Griechischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges Richard Schuberth
  37. The Great Siege, Malta 1565: Clash of Cultures: Christian Knights Defend Western Civilization Against the Moslem Tide Ernle Bradford
  38. The Great Betrayal: The Great Siege of Constantinople Ernle Bradford
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  40. The Passenger: Turkey The Passenger
  41. Hittites: A Captivating Guide to the Ancient Anatolian People Who Established the Hittite Empire in Ancient Mesopotamia Captivating History
  42. Osmanlı Hakimiyetinde Ortadoğu ve Balkanlar Halil İnalcık
  43. On the Sultan's Service: Halid Ziya Usakligil's Memoir of the Ottoman Palace, 1909–1912
  44. The Crimean War: Then and Now David R Jones
  45. The Defence of the Dardanelles: From Bombards to Battleships Michael Forrest
  46. Armenian Genocide: The Great Crime of World War I David Charlwood
  47. The First VCs: The Stories Behind the First Victoria Crosses in the Crimean War and the Definition of Courage John Grehan
  48. Fatal Charge at Gallipoli: The Story of One of the Bravest and Most Futile Actions of the Dardanelles Campaign–The Light Horse at The Nek–August 1915 John Hamilton
  49. Gallipoli: The End of the Myth Robin Prior
  50. Betrayal of an Army: Mesopotamia, 1914–1916 N. S. Nash