1. The Sleeping Beauties: And Other Stories of Mystery Illness Suzanne O'Sullivan
  2. Azul... Rubén Darío
  3. La vida de Rubén Darío escrita por él mismo Rubén Darío
  4. El oro de Mallorca Rubén Darío
  5. The Mosquito Confederation: A Borderlands History of Colonial Central America Daniel Mendiola
  6. Miami Joan Didion
  7. The Valhalla Testament Jon Land
  8. Kvinnan med de vackra händerna : och andra livshistorier Hanne-Vibeke Holst
  9. Autobiografía Rubén Darío
  10. Delicious: The Evolution of Flavor and How It Made Us Human Rob Dunn
  11. Clemente! Kal Wagenheim
  12. Come Sunday Bradford Morrow
  13. God in a Cup: The Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Coffee Michaele Weissman
  14. Holidays in Hell: In Which Our Intrepid Reporter Travels to the World's Worst Places and Asks, "What's Funny About This?" P. J. O'Rourke
  15. The Divine Husband: A Novel Francisco Goldman
  16. Absent a Miracle: A Novel Christine Lehner
  17. The Political Life of Children Robert Coles
  18. Sandinistas: A Moral History Robert J. Sierakowski
  19. Forgotten Continent: A History of the New Latin America Michael Reid
  20. Maverick Marine: General Smedley D. Butler and the Contradictions of American Military History Hans Schmidt
  21. Imagine No Religion: The Autobiography of Blase Bonpane Blase Bonpane
  22. Azul Rubén Darío
  23. Vivian Pellas: Turning tears into smiles Vivian Pellas
  24. Bananeras: Women Transforming the Banana Unions of Latin America Dana Frank
  25. The Banana Men: American Mercenaries & Entrepreneurs in Central America, 1880–1930 Lester D. Langley
  26. Uppdraget Monica Zak
  27. The Last Resort: A Chronicle of Paradise, Profit, and Peril at the Beach Sarah Stodola
  28. Drakbarnen Annika Holm
  29. Die Drachenkinder von Nicaragua Annika Holm
  30. Barrikaden Monica Zak
  31. Trojaanse Odyssee Clive Cussler
  32. The Education of a Radical: An American Revolutionary in Sandinista Nicaragua Michael Johns
  33. Raiders and Natives: Cross-Cultural Relations in the Age of Buccaneers Arne Bialuschewski
  34. Mil y una muertes Sergio Ramirez
  35. Kalis fjärde hand Kenneth Ocklund
  36. Favorite Son Steve Sohmer
  37. Keenie Meenie: The British Mercenaries Who Got Away with War Crimes Phil Miller
  38. Solidarity: Latin America and the US Left in the Era of Human Rights Steve Striffler
  39. Antología personal Gioconda Belli
  40. Reporting for Duty: My Urgency for Justice and Peace Andrew Mills
  41. Selbstmordgesellschaft Marcelo Lino
  42. Société suicidaire Marcelo Lino
  43. Kogels, dollars en ambities: Macht en politiek in Nicaragua Jangeert van der Post
  44. Inside Nicaragua: Abseits der Klischees Rafaela Mazal
  45. Begegnungen in Nicaragua: Erlebnisse aus 365 Tagen Freiwilligendienst Christoph Jaschek
  46. Bug-Jargal: Écrit en quinze jours à la suite d'un pari Victor Hugo
  47. Patterns of Development in Latin America: Poverty, Repression, and Economic Strategy John Sheahan
  48. Moscow's Third World Strategy Alvin Z. Rubinstein
  49. Committing to Peace: The Successful Settlement of Civil Wars Barbara F. Walter
  50. Shattered Hope: The Guatemalan Revolution and the United States, 1944-1954 Piero Gleijeses