Introvert Leiderschap: Hoe je als introverte leider profiteert van je unieke kwaliteiten Karolien Koolhof4.5
Notities van een introvert: Voluit leven als introvert, op je eigen, stille manier Bente van de Wouw4.6
In 6 Stappen SIMPEL presenteren: Zelfverzekerd presenteren voor introverte professionals Steven Lips3.6
The School for Good and Evil #3: The Last Ever After: Now a Netflix Originals Movie Soman Chainani4.6
Let the Biscuits Burn: Cultivating Real-Life Hospitality in a World Craving Connection Abby Kuykendall
Speak Up: incl. Bonus – Learn the Power of Rhetoric & Communication, Introvert & Strengthen Self-Confidence, Improve Speeches Presentations & Moderations, Speak out Loud Freely & Persuasive Simone Janson
Become an Influencer: incl. Bonus – Get noticed & visible through online communication & social media, more impact in self-marketing public relations & positioning, inspire people with charisma Simone Janson
Be a rock star! Rhetoric that Impresses: incl. Bonus – Convince people with your enthusiasm, make really good speeches lectures presentations moderations, speak freely with persuasion & charisma Simone Janson
Become Visible with Respect: incl. Bonus – Inspire & convince people self-confidently, self-branding public relations & marketing, rhetoric charisma & communication for more success in business Simone Janson
Small Talk - Learn quickly & effectively better Networking through Communication: incl. Bonus – Convince opinion boosters, use psychology rhetoric charisma appearance effect to inspire people Simone Janson
Give not Take: incl. Bonus – Gain trust, say no without scruples, learn emotional communication with self-love & self-efficacy, success power resilience & inner mental strength for introverts Simone Janson
Oscar-Winning Speeches: incl. Bonus – Effect appearance self-confidence, learn the power of rhetoric, communicate present moderate well, convince with body language gestures & facial expressions Simone Janson
Suspense! Present like in Hollywood: incl. Bonus – Learn effect & power of rhetoric, convince with appearance for success inspiring speeches & talks, communicate moderate speak & perform to win Simone Janson
It Doesn't Have to Be Awkward: Dealing with Relationships, Consent, and Other Hard-to-Talk-About Stuff Drew Pinsky
What's Your Enneatype? An Essential Guide to the Enneagram: Understanding the Nine Personality Types for Personal Growth and Strengthened Relationships Liz Carver