
  1. Sander en de brug: Vijf voorstellen voor een eerlijker Nederland Sander Schimmelpenninck
  2. Kapitalisme is seksisme: Een pamflet Doortje Smithuijsen
  3. Goed volk Teun van de Keuken
  4. De kleine Graeber: Het begin van alles samengevat Wouter van Bergen
  5. Lessons Learned from Careless People: A Cautionary Tale of Power, Greed, and Lost Idealism – Inspired by Sarah Wynn-Williams Tessa Belmont
  6. Nu is het aan ons: Oproep tot echte democratie Eva Rovers
  7. Navalny: Poetins aartsrivaal Ben Noble
  8. The Girl with Seven Names: A North Korean Defector’s Story Hyeonseo Lee
  9. Guerrilla Kindness & Other Acts of Creative Resistance: Making A Better World Through Craftivism Sayraphim Lothian
  10. In een groen knollenland: Een schotschrift tegen de jacht Bibi Dumon Tak
  11. De grote samenhang: Hoe we de band met de natuur kunnen herstellen Gary Ferguson
  12. Hoe je alles kunt veranderen Naomi Klein
  13. Rood in Wassenaar: Pleidooi voor een kansrijk leven (voor iedereen) Marjolein Moorman
  14. The Fighting Soul: On the Road with Bernie Sanders Ari Rabin-Havt
  15. Philosophy, Pussycats, & Porn Stoya
  16. Hoe dan wel: Lees dit boek en maak je idealen waar Suzan Doodeman
  17. Broken: Transforming Child Protective Services—Notes of a Former Caseworker Jessica Pryce
  18. Empire of Normality: Neurodiversity and Capitalism Robert Chapman
  19. Outrage: Why the Fight for LGBTQ+ Equality Is Not Yet Won and What We Can Do About It Ellen Jones
  20. Papa, warum sind wir hier?: Eine Geschichte von Überleben, erfolgreicher Integration und Teilhabe in einer friedlichen und demokratischen Gesellschaft Homayoon Pardis
  21. Undercurrents: Channeling Outrage to Spark Practical Activism Steve Davis
  22. The World’s Most Dangerous Geek: And More True Hacking Stories David Kushner
  23. Amir's Blue Elephant: A woman's journey into the lives of Europe's refugees Melissa Hekkers
  24. Nelson Mandela: 15 lessen over leven, liefde en leiderschap Richard Stengel
  25. Paid Servant E. R. Braithwaite
  26. Our Life Our Way: A Memoir of Active Faith, Profound Love and Courageous Disability Rights Christine F. Robinson
  27. Florence Nightingale’s Sister: The Lesser-Known Activism of Parthenope Verney Lynn Hamilton
  28. Stories of Solidarity and Struggle: A Life in the Worldwide Movement for Human Rights David Hinkley
  29. Laat je horen: Zo maak jij een positief verschil in de wereld Lisa Jansen
  30. Fighting Back: A Bold Father’s Stand Against Misinformation: "Empower yourself with 'Fighting Back'! Unlock captivating audio lessons designed to challenge and defeat misinformation." Lysander Calloway
  31. Writings from a Greek Prison: 32 Steps, or Correspondence from the House of the Dead Tasos Theofilou
  32. Bank Job Daniel Edelstyn
  33. Living a Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger Than Yourself Lynn Twist
  34. Pen Pal (Prison Letters From A Free Spirit On Slow Death Row) Tiyo Attallah Salah-El
  35. Pauline Marois - Au-delà du pouvoir Élyse-Andrée Héroux
  36. We Want Freedom: A Life in the Black Panther Party (New Edition) Mumia Abu Jamal
  37. Repensons l'économie !: Recettes belges pour appliquer la théorie du donut Eva Smets
  38. Das siebte Jahr - Von Tibet nach Indien Sabriye Tenberken
  39. Unsettling Canada: A National Wake-Up Call Ronald M. Derrickson
  40. Starting Somewhere: Community Organizing for Socially Awkward People Who've Had Enough Roderick Douglass
  41. No One Left Alone: A Story of How Community Helps Us Heal Liz Walker
  42. Stand Up!: How To Get Involved, Speak Out, and Win in a World on Fire Gordon Whitman
  43. The Gift of Anger: Use Passion to Build Not Destroy Joe Solmonese
  44. Pro-Voice: How to Keep Listening When the World Wants a Fight Aspen Baker
  45. The Revolution Where You Live: Stories from a 12,000-Mile Journey Through a New America Sarah van Gelder
  46. Die Dating-Möglichkeiten & Apps: Online & Offline Tobi Kraemer
  47. Anti-Racist Ally: An Introduction to Action and Activism Sophie Williams
  48. Breaking Ground Heidi Kühn
  49. CTRL HATE DELETE: The New Anti-Feminist Backlash and How We Fight It Cécile Simmons
  50. Women Peacemakers: What We Can Learn From Them Barbe Chambliss PhD