1. De hoogste gave: Waar we de liefde vinden, is het geluk Paulo Coelho
  2. De Bijbel NBV21 - Psalmen
  3. De Bijbel NBV21 - Het Nieuwe Testament: de Bijbel voor de 21e eeuw
  4. Brieven uit de hel: Een duivel onderwijst zijn neefjes hoe hij christenen verleidt C.S. Lewis
  5. De grote scheiding Clive Staples Lewis
  6. Laat je bevrijden: Ervaar wat er gebeurt als je echt naar Jezus luistert Charles Martin
  7. Het Meesterwerk van God: het hart van het boek Openbaring Henk Binnendijk
  8. God Has a Name: What You Believe About God Will Shape Who You Become John Mark Comer
  9. The Will of God as a Way of Life: How to Make Every Decision with Peace and Confidence Jerry L. Sittser
  10. The Bible Jesus Read: Why the Old Testament Matters Philip Yancey
  11. The Power of Kindness Timothy Shay Arthur
  12. Dichtbij God Henk Binnendijk
  13. Encounter the Spirit Carolyn Moore
  14. From Almost to the Altogether: Sermons on Christian Discipleship John Wesley
  15. Thirteen Discourses on the Sermon on the Mount John Wesley
  16. Rhythms of Restoration: Practicing Grief on the Path of Grace; A Field Guide of Mini-Retreats for the Hurting and Those Who Help Them Laura Beach
  17. Prayers for Ordinary Days Howard A. Snyder
  18. Not Yet Christmas: It's Time for Advent J.D. Walt
  19. Called: Following a Future Filled with the Possible John David Walt
  20. Soundtrack: A Forty-Day Playlist Through the Psalms J.D. Walt
  21. Encounter the Father Carolyn Moore
  22. Playing in the Dust: A pilgrimage with the creation stories
  23. The Words of Jesus William Wray
  24. 200 Devotionals from the Hebrew Bible Various authors
  25. A Biblical Theology of the Book of Isaiah Douglas W. Kennard
  26. Other Voices, Other Rooms: Poems Tim Vivian
  27. Birthmarks: Poems Whitney Rio-Ross
  28. Because You Are with Me: Hope for the Journey from Psalm 23 A. D. Westbrook
  29. Departures: Poems & Meditations on the Book of Exodus P. D. Gray
  30. Yearning for the Heavenly Country: Sermons on the Spiritual Realm John Wesley
  31. John Wesley and the Letter to the Romans Wesley John
  32. Making All Things New: Sermons on the Way of Salvation John Wesley
  33. Alleen bij U Andre Troost
  34. Goed nieuws voor mensen onder de zon: de boodschap van Prediker Jan Hoek
  35. In gesprek: bijbelstudies over ontmoetingen met Jezus H.J. van der Veen
  36. God's Blessings of Christmas: Devotions and Bible Verses Celebrating the Savior's Birth Billy Graham
  37. Kijken naar de heer Jos Douma
  38. Jezus leven: volgen in het ritme van de Rabbi Henk Stoorvogel
  39. Christian Guided Meditations For Sleep: Devotional for fervent quiet times with God and understanding the power of prayer and meditation to overcome anxiety, worries and achieve deep sleep Good News Meditations
  40. Now We See the Church Stephen Kaung
  41. The Nazarene: Forty Devotions on the Lyrical Life of Jesus Michael Card
  42. Geborgen in zijn hand: dagboek over Gods beloften GWV
  43. Bidden in het besef van Gods tegenwoordigheid Gerrit Immink
  44. Als God de hemel opent: uitzien naar meer werk van de Geest Ruilof van Putten
  45. Living Life Backward: How Ecclesiastes Teaches Us to Live in Light of the End David Gibson
  46. SANTO ROSARIO Fidem Dei
  47. Encounters with Jesus Ben Witherington III
  48. Il Buon Pastore e il Suo gregge: Meditazioni sul Salmo 23 Iain D. Campbell
  49. Christian Guided Meditations For Sleep Vol. 2: Scripture-Based Meditations to Deepen Your Connection with God and Experience Restful Sleep Good News Meditations
  50. The Essential Sermons of Billy Graham, Volume One: Collected Sermons from the 1950s-1960s Billy Graham