1. De oorlog heeft geen vrouwengezicht Svetlana Alexijevitsj
  2. The Montreal Shtetl: Making a Home after the Holocaust John Lynch
  3. Woke Up This Morning: The Definitive Oral History of The Sopranos Steve Schirripa
  4. Meet Me in the Bathroom: Rebirth and Rock and Roll in New York City 2001-2011 Lizzy Goodman
  5. Wake Me Up When It's All Over...: Unpublished Letters to The Daily Telegraph Kate Moore
  6. A Force Like No Other 3: The Last Shift: The final selection of real stories from the RUC men and women who policed the Troubles Colin Breen
  7. Ik hoor wat je zegt: Hoe alledaagse gesprekken hoop en inspiratie geven Heather Morris
  8. As If!: The Oral History of Clueless, as Told by Amy Heckerling, the Cast, and the Crew Jen Chaney
  9. Obra poética Mariano Melgar
  10. Ons moeder: verhalen uit de tijd van toen Julien van Remoortere
  11. Meester meester meester!: verhalen van meesters en juffen van toen Julien van Remoortere
  12. Later ... With Jools Holland: 30 Years of Music, Magic and Mayhem Mark Cooper
  13. Der Osten: Eine politische Himmelsrichtung Johann Michael Möller
  14. Working in America: The Best of Studs Terkel's Working Tapes Studs Terkel
  15. Bruder Norman!: "Mein Vater war ein Naziverbrecher, aber ich liebe ihn." Niklas Frank
  16. A People's History of Modern Europe William Pelz
  17. The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story Ramzy Baroud
  18. I Want to Believe: Posadism, UFOs and Apocalypse Communism A.M. Gittlitz
  19. Voices of the Nakba: A Living History of Palestine
  20. Student Revolt: Voices of the Austerity Generation Matt Myers
  21. Voices from the 'Jungle': Stories from the Calais Refugee Camp Calais Writers
  22. Voices From the Other Side: An Oral History of Terrorism Against Cuba Keith Bolender
  23. Windrush: 75 Years of Modern Britain Mike Phillips
  24. Here We Go Again...: Unpublished Letters to the Daily Telegraph Kate Moore
  25. What a Thing to Say to the Queen!: Charming anecdotes from the House of Windsor - Updated edition Thomas Blaikie
  26. History of Marathas EP06 - Visit to Agra Vikrant Pande
  27. History of Marathas EP07 - Escape from Agra Vikrant Pande
  28. Prikkeldraad en bamboesperen: Ooggetuigen van oorlog en dekolonisatie in Indonesië Bruni Adler
  29. Das Leben in Ostpreußen Dianella Terner Besada
  30. Reise-Erinnerungen: Von Pilgern, Kriegern und Globetrottern Lars Frühsorge
  31. Mémoires sur la chevalière d'Éon: La vérité sur les mystères de sa vie, d'après des documents authentiques, suivis de douze lettres inédites de Beaumarchais Frédéric Gaillardet
  32. Pucherts Helmut, dem Förster seiner. Vom Leben auf einem nordhessischen Dorf Helmut Puchert
  33. Sagenhaftes Halberstadt: Das Tor zum Harz Carsten Kiehne
  34. Joséphine, l'impératrice infidèle: Intrigues et secrets d'alcôve de l'impératrice des Français Hector Fleischmann
  35. Des changements dans le climat de la France: une histoire du réchauffement climatique des origines au XIX° siècle Joseph-Jean-Nicolas Fuster
  36. Le Chevalier d'Eon, un aventurier au XVIIIe siècle: D'après des documents inédits Octave Homberg
  37. Sagen aus Gernrode: der 1000jährigen Stadt am Harz Carsten Kiehne
  38. Barracoon: The Story of the Last Slave Zora Neale Hurston
  39. Queer Footprints: A Guide to Uncovering London's Fierce History Dan Glass
  40. She Who Struggles: Revolutionary Women Who Shaped the World
  41. How Did We End Up Here?: Unpublished Letters to the Daily Telegraph Kate Moore
  42. Love is Something Beautiful Esin Çelebi Bayru
  43. Working Studs Terkel
  44. Wij houden van Tsjernobyl: een kroniek van de toekomst Svetlana Alexijevitsj
  45. Zinkjongens: sovjetstemmen uit de Afghaanse oorlog Svetlana Alexijevitsj
  46. De laatste getuigen: Kinderen in de Tweede Wereldoorlog Svetlana Alexijevitsj
  47. Het einde van de rode mens: leven op de puinhopen van de Sovjet-Unie Svetlana Alexijevitsj
  48. A Force Like No Other 2: The Next Shift: More real stories from the RUC men and women who policed the Troubles Colin Breen
  49. Amanda Birger Beckman
  50. Alright, Alright, Alright: The Oral History of Richard Linklater’s Dazed and Confused Melissa Maerz