Mischief among the Penguins: Hand (man) wanted for long voyage in small boat. No pay, no prospects, not much pleasure. H.W. Tilman
When Men & Mountains Meet: Like the desire for drink or drugs, the craving for mountains is not easily overcome H.W. Tilman
Mischief in Greenland: Only a man in the devil of a hurry would wish to fly to his mountains H.W. Tilman
Mount Everest 1938: Whether these mountains are climbed or not, smaller expeditions are a step in the right direction H.W. Tilman
Two Mountains and a River: I made a resolve not to begin climbing until assured by a plague of flies that summer had really come H.W. Tilman
In Mischief's Wake: In the joy of the actors lies the sense of any action. That is the explanation, that the excuse. H.W. Tilman
Ice with Everything: In climbing mountains or sailing the seas one often has to settle for less than one hoped. H.W. Tilman
High Mountains and Cold Seas: The life of H.W. 'Bill' Tilman: soldier, mountaineer, navigator J.R.L. Anderson