In recent decades Protestants have shown ever greater interest in the breadth and depth of Christian tradition. This exploration is perhaps most evident in the publication of a growing number of patristic, medieval, and, most recently, Reformation-era biblical commentaries, and in the attention given to Augustine, Aquinas, Dante, Newman, de Lubac, von Balthasar, and other Catholic figures. Due in part to this ongoing Protestant ressourcement, biblical scholars and theologians have begun to question the historical and ecclesial provincialism that characterized so much modern era Christian scholarship and church life.
The volumes in this series seek to cut across these old provincial divisions that have kept Free Church communions in particular from the riches of the Catholic intellectual, moral, and liturgical tradition, and to reconnect believers in these churches with the insights and wisdom of the Church Catholic.
The editors invite those interested in these kinds of inquiries to submit monographs, dissertations, collections of essays that deal with a common theme, and commentaries.
Series Editors:
Barry Harvey
Bryan C. Hollon
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