Lover's Vows: Let her from British hearts no peril fear but, as a stranger, find a welcome here''Mrs Inchbald
A Simple Story: 'Never perplex her mind with an idea that may disturb but cannot reform''Mrs Inchbald
Such Things Are: 'How different does his Lordship appear to me, to me he is all politesse''Mrs Inchbald
The Wedding Day: 'And aims, in all she dares to write, To make her Wedding Day—a merry night''Mrs Inchbald
The Widow's Vow: 'First on your safety think! Now belles appear by ample bulwarks guarded, front and rear''Mrs Inchbald
A Simple Story: Love, Virtue, and Romantic Dilemmas: A Sentimental Journey Through 18th Century SocietyMrs. Inchbald
The Widow's Vow: A Farce, in Two Acts: Unveiling the Comic Tapestry of Widowhood and SocietyMrs. Inchbald