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Superpotencias de la inteligencia artificial: China, Silicon Valley y el nuevo orden mundial Kai-Fu Lee4.6
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Summary of The Rise and Fall of American Growth: by Robert J. Gordon | Includes Analysis: by Robert J. Gordon | Includes Analysis IRB Media
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Summary of Hooked: by Nir Eyal with Ryan Hoover | Includes Analysis: by Nir Eyal with Ryan Hoover | Includes Analysis IRB Media4.2
Summary of Capital in the Twenty-First Century: by Thomas Piketty | Includes Analysis: by Thomas Piketty | Includes Analysis IRB Media3.9
A Joosr Guide to... Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely: The Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions Joosr
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Financial Meltdowns: Uncovering the Shocking Truths that Shaped America: "Elevate your knowledge of financial meltdowns! Explore gripping audio lessons revealing the secrets that shaped America's economy." Jasper Winslow