Cosas que mi hijo necesita saber sobre el mundo: Cosas que mi hijo necesita saber sobre el mundo Fredrik Backman4.1
Guía del papá primerizo: Todo lo que debes saber sobre el deseo de concebir, el parto y el bebé Jonas Weidner4.6
Claves para una maternidad estoica: Cómo sobrevivir a la crianza sin perder la cabeza ni el sentido del humor Lorena García Díez5
Parábolas: Los misterios del reino de Dios revelados a través de las historias que Jesús contó John F. MacArthur4.3
Educar con conciencia: Acompañar a los niños y niñas desde el autoconocimiento Marta Butjosa i Roca4.4
13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do: Take Back Your Power, Embrace Change, Face Your Fears, and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success Amy Morin4.3
The Amazing Thing About the Way it Goes: Stories of Tidiness, Self-Esteem and Other Things I Gave Up On Stephanie Pearl-McPhee4
A Joosr Guide to... Get Out of My Life by Tony Wolf and Suzanne Franks: The Best-Selling Parent’s Guide to the New Teenager Joosr
A Joosr Guide to... How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Faber & Mazlish Joosr3.5
The Potty Journey: Guide to Toilet Training Children with Special Needs, Including Autism and Related Disorders Judith A. CouCouvanis
Schwanger werden & Geburt: Der komplette Begleiter für werdende Eltern: Von leichter schwanger werden bis zur ersten Zeit als Mama - Praktische Tipps zu Fruchtbarkeit, Schwangerschaft und Geburtsvorbereitung Artemis Saage
Emotionally Healthy Relationships: Audio Bible Studies: Discipleship that Deeply Changes Your Relationship with Others Peter Scazzero4.8
No More Holding Back: Audio Bible Studies: Emboldening Women to Move Past Barriers, See Their Worth, and Serve God Everywhere Kat Armstrong
Sleep Training-The Baby Sleep Solution for the Exhausted Modern Parents: Effective Techniques to Help Your Baby Get a Good Night’s Sleep Without Crying Lucy Watson4.2
Childhood: Navigating the Formative Years: Memories, Challenges, and Transformation (2 in 1) Leila Wattson
The Widow's Survival Guide: Living with Children After the Death of Your Spouse Charity Pimentel-Hyams