Superar el duelo

  1. La Liberacion del alma: El viaje mas alla de ti (The Journey Beyond Yourself) Michael Singer
  2. La muerte: un amanecer Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
  3. El poder de dejar ir: 7 pasos para soltar el pasado, aprender a perdonar y vivir con plenitud Daniel J. Martin
  4. Cuando mamá lastima "When Mom Suffers": Relatos de perdón para hijos con el corazón herido Rayo Guzmán
  5. Crying in H Mart: The Number One New York Times Bestseller Michelle Zauner
  6. Viajar por la vida Gaby Pérez Islas
  7. Convénceme de vivir Gaby Pérez Islas
  8. Notes on Grief Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  9. A Grief Observed C. S. Lewis
  10. Historias de diván Gabriel Rolón
  11. También esto pasará Milena Busquets
  12. Respuestas de Dios a las dificultades de la vida Rick Warren
  13. Tanatología para padres Claudia López Morales
  14. Lágrimas en H Mart: "Crying in H Mart": Una historia de amor, pérdida y cocina coreana Michelle Zauner
  15. When the Bough Breaks: Forever After the Death of a Son or Daughter Judith R. Bernstein
  16. Rhythms of Restoration: Practicing Grief on the Path of Grace; A Field Guide of Mini-Retreats for the Hurting and Those Who Help Them Laura Beach
  17. What Really Happens When You Die?: Cosmology, time and you Andrew McLauchlin
  18. The Magic in the Tragic: Rewriting the Script on Grief and Discovering Happiness in Our Darkest Days John Tsilimparis
  19. Do Not Cast Me Away: Dementia in the Congregation Paul Rader
  20. Heartsounds: The Story of a Love and Loss Martha Weinman Lear
  21. El pequeño pirata Paul & Bula: Disfruta del cielo, Clara. Siempre te recordaremos DLucy
  22. Der See der Seelen: Alpensage Tim Krohn
  23. La Sonrisa Escondida de Dios: El fruto de aflicción en las vidas de Bunyan, Cowper y Brainerd John Piper
  24. El camino: Herramientas sencillas para transformar el dolor en alegría Olanda Angarita
  25. Dreamcatcher: A Son's Collection of Dreams About His Late Mother and Brother Joshua Peter Oed
  26. A Soul-Stirring Journey Through Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell William Bates
  27. Nos enfants sont immortels Christian Tétreault
  28. Max One In A Million Leesa Reading
  29. I Give Up: Audio Bible Studies: The Secret Joy of a Surrendered Life Laura Story
  30. HondaBoy: When facing an existential crisis, get on your bike. Neil Harris
  31. A Letter To God Aine Moorad
  32. The Widow's Survival Guide: Living with Children After the Death of Your Spouse Charity Pimentel-Hyams
  33. Le Risposte di Gesù a Giobbe G. Campbell Morgan
  34. Educação para a morte: Herculano Pires J. Herculano Pires
  35. P.S. Ich liebe Dich (Ungekürzte Lesung) Cecelia Ahern
  36. Postscript - Was ich dir noch sagen möchte Cecelia Ahern
  37. Cómo acompañar un duelo: De la Serie Tanto Tiempo Como Sea Necesario Martin Keogh
  38. Intromissione Divina: La presenza di Dio nel caos della vita Joni Eareckson Tada
  39. Glimpses Beyond the Veil: Encounters with Eternity Lesley Beiro
  40. My Champion: And Other Inspirational Christian Poems Julie C. Gilbert
  41. Healing Death: Finding the Healing to Live Well into Our Dying Christopher Levan
  42. Surviving Sibling Loss: The Invisible Thread that Connects Us Through Life and Death Dawn DiRaimondo, Psy.D.
  43. The Magic Circle Charmaine Chan
  44. A escolha Flavia Roizman Kandelman
  45. Rising from the Ashes: Embracing New Beginnings Kyala Williams
  46. Notre Vie Dans L'Au-Delà Marlene Nobre
  47. Budistas en calzones (con cubrebocas) Sebastián Stoopen
  48. Fresh Joy: Finding Joy in the Midst of Loss, Hardship and Suffering Heidi McLaughlin
  49. The Seaside Girls: The start of a wonderful historical saga series from Tracy Baines Tracy Baines
  50. Don't Try This Alone: How to Build Deep Community When You Want to Hide from Your Pain Toni Collier