1. Véndele a la mente, no a la gente Jürgen Klarić
  2. Переговоры Татьяна Мужицкая
  3. The Secrets of Power Negotiating Live! Roger Dawson
  4. El Arte de la Negociación: Paga menos en tus compras, obtén mejores oportunidades y haz tu vida mucho más fácil negociando como un ganador Alexander Tax
  5. The Mediator's Handbook: Revised & Expanded fourth edition Jennifer E. Beer
  6. Mastering Everyday Negotiations: Strategies for Success Tom M. Whitman
  7. Direito e Negócios de Petróleo e Gás Eduardo G. Pereira
  8. Mastering the Art of Negotiation: Secrets to Win Every Time: "Master negotiation like never before! Dive into powerful audio lessons that guarantee winning outcomes!" Orson Vexley
  9. Persuasion IQ: The 10 Skills You Need to Get Exactly What You Want Kurt Mortensen
  10. Influencia y persuasión Harvard Business Review
  11. Хватит мне звонить. Правила успешных переговоров в мессенджерах и социальных сетях Игорь Рызов
  12. El negociador creativo Stephen Kozicki
  13. Guía del animador eficaz Gilbert Garibal
  14. Getting Back to the Table: 5 Steps to Reviving Stalled Negotiations Joshua N. Weiss
  15. Невидимая сила: Как работает американская дипломатия Уильям Бернс
  16. Negociar con sabiduría: Cómo optimizar los acuerdos que marcarán tu vida Sergio Kaplan
  17. Trump-Style Negotiation: Powerful Strategies and Tactics for Mastering Every Deal George H. Ross
  18. Negotiating Your Salary: Get the money and recognition you deserve 50minutes
  19. Escucha con el corazón Maurizio Grassi
  20. The Primes: How Any Group Can Solve Any Problem Chris McGoff
  21. The Influence Game: 50 Insider Tactics from the Washington D.C. Lobbying World that Will Get You to Yes Stephanie Vance
  22. Beyond Dealmaking : Five Steps to Negotiating Profitable Relationships: Five Steps to Negotiating Profitable Relationships Melanie Billings-Yun
  23. Influence Without Authority, 2nd Edition David L. Bradford
  24. Переговоры Коллектив авторов
  25. Расширение границ мышления. Как преодолеть внутренние ограничения и раскрыть свой потенциал Гу Дянь
  26. От Эминема до Билла Гейтса: Искусство общения и выстраивания связей Брайан Грейзер
  27. Selling Your Small Business: A Guide for Businesses Under $1M Revenue Virversity Online Courses
  28. Faça um bom negócio: Estratégias e táticas de negociação Josiano César de Sousa
  29. Negotiating: Bargaining Methods and Essential Negotiation Skills Tom Hendrix
  30. Negotiating: The Art of Always Getting the Best Deal Tom Hendrix
  31. Negotiating: Negotiation Mistakes and Mediation Skills for Beginners Tom Hendrix
  32. Negotiating: Active Listening and Communication Skills for Negotiations Tom Hendrix
  33. Negotiating: The Ultimate Guide to Negotiate, Resolve Conflicts, and Mediate Tom Hendrix
  34. Negotiating: Strategies and Tactics for Dealmakers Tom Hendrix
  35. Negotiating: Business Skills and Persuasion Tactics Tom Hendrix
  36. Сценарии конфликтов: Как без нервов улаживать споры и проблемы на работе и в жизни Марина Майорова
  37. Expensive Mistakes When Buying & Selling Companies: And How to Avoid Them in Your Deals Richard G. Stieglitz PhD
  38. O poder da PNL: Aplicações para o sucesso pessoal e profissional Douglas de Matteu
  39. O fim da era chefe Massaru Ogata
  40. Coaching de carreira: Desperte todo o seu talento e alcance o sucesso profissional Jaques Grinberg
  41. Coaching para a vida Nelson Vieira
  42. Body Language in Sales: incl. Bonus – Grasp Gestures Mimic & Nonverbal Communication, Sell More Faster, Use Rhetoric & Psychology of Persuasion, Negotiate Confidently with Appearance & Charisma Simone Janson
  43. Golfplatzmanagement – die geheime Erfolgsstrategie: incl. Bonus – Mehr Geld verdienen, Menschen überzeugen beim Verhandeln & Verkaufen, die Macht der Rhetorik Psychologie & Kommunikation nutzen Simone Janson
  44. Endure the Tiger: Negotiating to gain ground Leonie McKeon
  45. The Art And Science Of Real Estate Negotiation: Skills, Strategies, Tactics Gabrielle Dahms
  46. Go Do Deals: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Buying & Selling Businesses Jeremy Harbour
  47. Cómo Rescatar a mi Negocio de Quebrar Sistematización de Negocios Yoshikai® Yoshimichi Hernández
  48. Job Interview: How to Negotiate and Answer Every Question the Right Way Derrick Foresight
  49. Ясно, понятно: Как доносить мысли и убеждать людей с помощью слов Максим Ильяхов
  50. Negotiation Skills: How to Influence People with Persuasion and Manipulation Techniques Learn how to Analyze People Michael Branson