1. Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow Yuval Noah Harari
  2. El gen egoísta: Resumen y Análisis Richard Dawkins
  3. Sentient: What Animals Reveal About Our Senses Jackie Higgins
  4. Charles Darwin: Die Entstehung der Arten: Vollständige deutsche Ausgabe von „The Origin of Species“ – Hauptwerk der Evolutionstheorie (Novelaris Klassik) Charles Darwin
  5. Sapiens: by Yuval Noah Harari | Key Takeaways, Analysis & Review (A Brief History of Humankind): A Brief History of Humankind IRB Media
  6. A Joosr Guide to… The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins Joosr
  7. A incrível história evolutiva da terra: o Coacervado Euler Barbosa da Silva
  8. The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals Charles Darwin
  9. On the Origin of Species Charles Darwin
  10. The Origin of Species Charles Darwin
  11. El origen de las especies Charles Darwin
  12. Super Natural: How Life Thrives in Impossible Places Alex Riley
  13. The Descent of Man Charles Darwin
  14. Evolution: The Remarkable History of a Scientific Theory Edward J. Larson
  15. The Autobiography of Charles Darwin Charles Darwin
  16. The Sediments Of Time: My Lifelong Search for the Past Meave Leakey
  17. Darwin, Darwinism, and the Modern World Chandak Sengoopta
  18. Хлопок одной ладонью: Как неживая природа породила человеческий разум Николай Кукушкин
  19. Systemisches Coaching Martina Angela Friedl
  20. Selbstresonanz. Im Einklang mit sich und seinem Leben: Erkenntnisse aus Neurobiologie, GFK und Traumaforschung. Mit Meditationen zum Download Sarah Peyton
  21. Why Size Matters: From Bacteria to Blue Whales John Tyler Bonner
  22. Faith and Fossils: The Clash Between Creationism and Evolution William Ubagan
  23. Ancient Bones: Unearthing the Astonishing New Story of How We Became Human Madelaine Böhme
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  25. Структура реальности: Наука параллельных вселенных Дэвид Дойч
  26. Grundlagen der Philosophie Herbert Spencer
  27. The Real Story of Dinosaurs and Dragons: Science Sets the Fossil Record Straight Philip J. Senter
  28. The Making of Species Frank Finn
  29. Historia evolutive: Una fascinante guía sobre la teoría de la evolución, la historia evolutiva y la evolución humana Captivating History
  30. On the Origin of Species: [Evolution Glossary Added] Charles Darwin
  31. On the Origin of the Species and The Voyage of the Beagle Charles Darwin
  32. The Sapiens Journey: Exploring the Extraordinary Story of Homo Sapiens: A Deep Exploration of Human Evolution, Civilization, and the Future of Homo Sapiens Bryan M. Deleon
  33. Richard Dawkins contra Stephen Jay Gould Kim Sterelny
  34. Survival: Evolutionary Rules for Intelligent Species Survival Samuel Layne
  35. Un viaje por la prehistoria José Mª Bermúdez de Castro
  36. Antología de biología. ¿Cómo ves?
  37. Reptiles - Part V - The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S Beagle: Under the Command of Captain Fitzroy - During the Years 1832 to 1836 Charles Darwin
  38. Birds - Part III - The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S Beagle: Under the Command of Captain Fitzroy - During the Years 1832 to 1836 Charles Darwin
  39. El Origen de las Especies Charles Darwin
  40. El sexo injusto Victoria de Andrés
  41. Consciência através do Espaço-Tempo Fábio Luiz Teixeira Gonçalves
  42. Первые шаги: Как прямохождение сделало нас людьми Джереми Десильва
  43. Star Struck: Seeing the Creator in the Wonders of Our Cosmos Steve Rabey
  44. On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection Darwin, Charles
  45. The Genetics Revolution – How CRISPR and DNA Editing Will Reshape Humanity: The Science, Ethics, and Future of Genetic Engineering David Moses
  46. Culture: Leading Scientists Explore Civilizations, Art, Networks, Reputation, and the Online Revolution
  47. The Descent of Man Charles Darwin
  48. The Strange Case of the Rickety Cossack: And Other Cautionary Tales from Human Evolution Ian Tattersall
  49. Why Is the Penis Shaped Like That?: And Other Reflections on Being Human Jesse Bering
  50. Darwin y la evolución por selección natural. Una introducción Rosaura Ruiz Gutiérrez