El lavado de activos en Colombia: Consideraciones desde la dogmática y la política criminal Carmen E. Ruiz López
Problemas actuales de derecho penal económico, responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas, compliance penal y derechos humanos y empresa Renato Vargas Lozano
De Kooi: Een undercoveragent over het best bewaarde geheim van de Nederlandse politie Marcel van de Ven4.4
Ghost in the Criminal Justice Machine: Reform, White Supremacy, and an Abolitionist Future Emile Suotonye DeWeaver
De drugsmaffia dicteert: De moord op Derk Wiersum en de ondermijning van onze rechtsstaat Gerlof Leistra4.2
30 Essential Insights into Criminal Justice in 7 Minutes Each: Quick Lessons for Understanding the System that Shapes Law and Order Nietsnie Trebla
The Offences against the Person Act 1861: Reforming British Criminal Law: A Legacy of Legal Acts The Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland
Substitution for the Testimony of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: Navigating Legal Procedures in High-Stakes Terrorism Trials United States District Court Eastern District of Virginia
An act of free and general pardon, indemnity and oblivion: Exploring Forgiveness in English Legal History English statute
The Criminal Investigation into the Shooting Death of Michael Brown: Department of Justice Report U.S. Department of Justice
Derecho penal de principios (Volumen I): La justificación de la intervención punitiva del Estado en el Estado Constitucional y democrático de Derecho Yvan Montoya