Перед прочтением сядьте!.. Остроумные и непосредственные рассказы из нешуточной, но прекрасной жизни Алексей Болдырев
The 100 Best Brain Teasers for Kids: A Mind-Blowing Challenge of Wordplay, Math, and Logic Puzzles Danielle Hall
The 125 Best Brain Teasers of All Time: A Mind-Blowing Challenge of Math, Logic, and Wordplay Marcel Danesi
Brain Teasers for Adults: 75 Large Print Puzzles, Riddles, and Games to Keep You on Your Toes! Marcel Danesi
The Flip Side of History: Strange News, Hard-to-Believe Headlines, and Other Curious Stories from History Steve Silverman5
New England Patriots - The Ultimate Curious Facts Collection: 100 Fun And Interesting Bits Of Information Curious Facts Station
Brain Training: Train Your Memory To New Abilities, Improve Your Memory, Focus And Self-confidence Cameron Dawson2
The Disneyland Encyclopedia: The Unofficial, Unauthorized, and Unprecedented History of Every Land, Attraction, Restaurant, Shop, and Major Event in the Original Magic Kingdom Chris Strodder
Brain Training Mastery : Train Your Memory to New Abilities with accelerated Learning, Improve Your Memory, Focus, And Self-Confidence Richard Mitchell
Brain Training And Mental Toughness Mastery: Train Your Brain And Memory To New Abilities. Learn How To Read And Analyze People With Mind Control And NLP Matthew Montors
Brain Training Photographic Memory: Train your memory to new abilities, improve your memory, focus, and self-confidenc, Steps To Remember Anything Faster! Luke Basilicat