
  1. 옆집에는 누가 살고 있을까 이지현
  2. 클래식 클라스: Classic Class 이인현
  3. Power: Music, Death, Life Pernilla Karlsson
  4. A Classic Interview with Rock Icon Syd Barrett of Pink Floyd Syd Barrett
  5. Divided Soul: The Life of Marvin Gaye David Ritz
  6. It’s a Long Story by Willie Nelson | Summary & Analysis: My Life IRB Media
  7. Music Talks: Turn Your Hobby Into A Profession Angelos Mavros
  8. Gardel: El cantor del tango Osvaldo Barsky
  9. Pyotr: The Life and Music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: He changed ballet forever and hid his wounds even longer. Steve Moretti
  10. Heroine godverdomme: zijn biografie Rene van Collem
  11. Searching for the Sound: My Life with the Grateful Dead Phil Lesh
  12. The Doubter Claes Johansen
  13. Brave New Music: The Martyn Bennett Story Gary West
  14. Raising Hell: Backstage Tales from the Lives of Metal Legends Jon Wiederhorn
  15. Buddy Holly: A Biography Ellis Amburn
  16. Drums & Demons: The Tragic Journey of Jim Gordon Joel Selvin
  17. Young Neil: The Sugar Mountain Years Sharry Wilson
  18. The SPA Treatment: How an independent artist hacked the mood machine and got his music on Spotify's editorial playlists and gained 28 million streams Alexander Forselius
  19. Heroine godverdomme: zijn biografie Rene van Collem
  20. Te conozco de otra vida: Los años de Gustavo Cerati en Chile Nelson González Vallejos
  21. Autonomy: Portrait of a Buzzcock Steve Diggle
  22. A Black Odyssey: Collected Poems SETH
  23. The secret of the world stars: Between genius and madness Heiko Schrang
  24. Тараканы! С восклицательным знаком на конце. 30 лет в панкроке вопреки всему Владимир Еркович
  25. Ты просто был частицею меня... Памяти Юрия Шатунова и Сергея Кузнецова Сергей Кузнецов
  26. Linkin Park. Постскриптум. Неофициальная биография Коллектив авторов
  27. Cold Glitter: The Untold Story of Canadian Glam Robert Dayton
  28. Florence Foster Jenkins Jasper Rees
  29. Сергей Беликов. Исповедь, или где-то меж Правдой и Истиной: Автобиография певца и музыканта ВИА "Самоцветы" и группы "Аракс" Георгий Симонян
  30. The Autobiography of Larry D. Kendrick: A Son, A Father, A Soldier Larry D. Kendrick
  31. It's A Love Story Martin Kemp
  32. Alice Cooper: The Godfather of Shock & Roll Gary Graff
  33. The New Country Generation. Edmilson Pereira Da Silva
  34. Carl Perkins: The King of Rockabilly Jeff Apter
  35. Conversations with Tom Petty, Expanded Edition Paul Zollo
  36. The Pen is Mightier: Autobiography of a Punk Rocker Edward Tudor Pole
  37. DUA LIPA: The Unauthorized Biography Caroline Sullivan
  38. One Last Song: Conversations on Life, Death, and Music Mike Ayers
  39. Шокирующая музыка Кристофер Лоуренс
  40. The Sounds of Louisiana: Twenty Essential Music Makers Roger Hahn
  41. Understanding John Lennon Francis Kenny
  42. Iberoamérica sonora: Músicos en efervescencia creativa Enrique Blanc Rojas
  43. I Know Better Now: My Life Before, During, and After the Ramones Peter Aaron
  44. Rudeboy: Inside outsider Patrick Tilon
  45. Сергей Мазаев. Авторизованная биография Денис Ступников
  46. Lady Gaga Is Life: A Superfan’s Guide to All Things We Love about Lady Gaga Kathleen Perricone
  47. So It Started There: From Punk to Pulp Nick Banks
  48. El violín valsante de Huis. Armadel: Fantochada para violín, orquesta de cuerdas, coro escondido, percusión, declamado, sonidos pregrabados, narración colateral y final parateatreal Joaquín Orellana
  49. Миражи и звезды: Моя исповедь Наталия Гулькина
  50. Heavy Tales: The Metal. The Music. The Madness. As lived by Jon Zazula Jon Zazula