1. Misticismo Judío: La guía definitiva para entender la Cábala, el misticismo de la Merkabá y el jasidismo asquenazí Mari Silva
  2. The Art of Happiness, Peace & Purpose: Manifesting Magic Complete Box Set Craig Beck
  3. Start vandaag met ademen: de Bridgeman Ademmethode Robert Bridgeman
  4. Revelation Jo Fenton
  5. Kabbalah for Beginners: Understanding and Applying Kabbalistic History, Concepts, and Practices Brian Yosef Schachter-Brooks
  6. Cábala, astrología y tarot para principiantes: Descubra el antiguo misticismo judío, los signos del zodíaco, la lectura de la carta natal, la adivinación, la numerología y el desarrollo psíquico Mari Silva
  7. Kabalah Various
  8. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Spreads: Reveal the Answer to Every Question About Work, Home, Fortune, and Love Liz Dean
  9. In Focus Tarot: Your Personal Guide Steven Bright
  10. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot: A Beginner's Guide to the Cards, Spreads, and Revealing the Mystery of the Tarot Liz Dean
  11. The Art of the Occult: A Visual Sourcebook for the Modern Mystic S. Elizabeth
  12. The Kabbalah Unveiled: Translations and Commentaries of the Books of Zohar S. L. MacGregor Mathers
  13. Dictionary of Pagan Religions Wade Baskin
  14. The Wisdom of the Kabbalah
  15. The Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism Israel Gutwirth
  16. The Witchcraft Collection (Volume One): Dictionary of Satanism, Dictionary of Witchcraft, and Dictionary of Pagan Religions Wade Baskin
  17. Illuminations: Essays and Reflections Walter Benjamin
  18. The Leap: The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening Steve Taylor
  19. The Angel Experiment: A 21-Day Magical Adventure to Heal Your Life Corin Grillo
  20. The Practical Qabalah Charles Fielding
  21. The Power of Energy Healing: Simple Practices to Promote Wellbeing Victor Archuleta
  22. El Sefer Yetzirah: La guía definitiva para entender la primera obra sobre el misticismo judío que se menciona en el Talmud Mari Silva
  23. El árbol de la Vida y los senderos del Yoga Beatriz Ulrich
  24. Stepping Stones to a Higher Vision Joseph P. Schultz
  25. Cábala: La guía definitiva para los principiantes que desean comprender la cábala hermética y judía junto con el poder del misticismo Mari Silva
  26. Reencarnación: La guía definitiva sobre el renacimiento, el karma y las almas viejas y lo que dicen la astrología, la wicca y otras prácticas espirituales sobre las vidas pasadas Mari Silva
  27. Hermetismo: La guía definitiva para comprender la hermética, el Kybalión y los principios herméticos Mari Silva
  28. Séfer ha-Bahir: La Guía Definitiva para Entender el Bahir y Su Influencia en la Cábala y el Misticismo Judío Mari Silva
  29. The Kabbalah Deck: Pathway to the Soul Edward Hoffman
  30. The Mystical Qabalah Dion Fortune
  31. The Complete Bible Answer Book: A Guide to Your Questions About God and Faith Hank Hanegraaff
  32. Meditation and Kabbalah Aryeh Kaplan
  33. The Big Book of Tarot Meanings: The Beginner's Guide to Reading the Cards Sam Magdaleno
  34. Derech hashem: The way of God Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto
  35. Ceremonial Magick: Unlocking Ritual Magick, the History of Learned Magic, and Secrets of Occultism Mari Silva
  36. The Thought of Creation Amite Neman
  37. Texting with Angels: Modern Jewish Tales of Magic and Mystery Andrew Ramer
  38. Kabbalah and Tarot: The Ultimate Guide to Kabbalistic Tarot, Divination, and Astrology Mari Silva
  39. Jewish Wisdom for Living and Dying: A Spiritual Journey Through the Prayers and Rituals of Maavor Yabok and Sefer HaHayiim Steven Moss
  40. Cábala: Una guía de la Cábala, el misticismo judío, el Sefer Yetzirah, el Zohar y el Sefer Ha-Bahir Mari Silva
  41. Angel Wealth Magic: Simple Steps to Hire the Divine & Unlock Your Miraculous Financial Flow Corin Grillo
  42. Shechinah, Bring Me Home!: Kabbalah and the Omer in Real Life Laura Duhan-Kaplan
  43. Tarot for Beginners: Learn the Magic of Tarot with Simple Instruction for Card Meanings and Reading Spreads Ann Crane
  44. The Way: Using the Wisdom of Kabbalah for Spiritual Transformation and Fulfillment Michael Berg
  45. A Partner in Holiness Vol 1: Genesis-Exodus Rabbi Jonathan P. Slater, DMin
  46. Cast in God's Image: Discover Your Personality Type Using the Enneagram and Kabbalah Rabbi Howard A. Addison
  47. Ehyeh: A Kabbalah for Tomorrow Dr. Arthur Green
  48. Entering the Temple of Dreams: Jewish Prayers, Movements, and Meditations for the End of the Day Tamar Frankiel, PhD
  49. Filling Words with Light: Hasidic and Mystical Reflections on Jewish Prayer Nehemia Polen
  50. Eyes Remade for Wonder: A Lawrence Kushner Reader Rabbi Lawrence Kushner