1. Hinduism and Buddhism Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
  2. The SRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA - MADE EASY - A RUN-THROUGH in English Tavamithram Sarvada
  3. Narasimha Dev: Lion Of Devotion / Protector Of The Devotees Sripad Jagannatha Das
  4. Vivekananda: A Biography Swami Nikhilananda
  5. Het wijze hart: het universele karakter van de boeddhistische psychologie Jack Kornfield
  6. Eén zijn: thuiskomen bij je zelf Jan Kersschot
  7. Het is zoals het is: gesprekken over Eén zijn Jan Kersschot
  8. Ajamila The Power Of Mantra: A Story From The Bhagavata Purana Shri Shrimad Radha Govind Das Goswami
  9. The Everything Krsna Audiobook Sripad Jagannatha Das
  10. Master Of All Mystics: Wisdom Of The Universe Sripad Jagannatha Das
  11. Bhagavad Gita User's Manual: How To Be A Yogi Veda Vyas
  12. Isopanisad The Essensea Of Yoga Wisdom Veda Vyas
  13. Krsna The First Yogi Sripad Jagannatha Das
  14. Reincarnation Sripad Jagannatha Das
  15. The Science Of Reincarnation: Path To Perfection Sripad Jagannatha Das
  16. Wijsheid in emotie: over de mandala van de vijf boeddha s Han F de Wit
  17. La Katha Upanishad Centre Védantique Ramakrishna
  18. Hanuman Chalisa with Meaning in English Tulsidas
  19. Yoga Philosophy: An Outline of the Secret Hindu Teachings Hereward Carrington PhD
  20. Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda Swami Paramananda
  21. Krishna: The History and Legacy of the Popular Hindu Deity Charles River Editors
  22. A Seeker's Guide to the Yoga Sutras: Modern Reflections on the Ancient Journey Ram Bhakt
  23. Dwapar Katha: Mahabharat kii gathayen Bhaag-2 Sudipta Bhawmik
  24. Dwapar Katha: Mahabharat ki Gathayen Bhaag-1 Sudipta Bhawmik
  25. Mahabharata.Tomo III Vedavyasa
  26. Uttara Gîtâ: El Canto Supremo Ada Albrecht
  27. Bhakti Sûtras de Nârada: Seguidos por los Bhakti Sûtras de Shândilya Devarishi Nârada
  28. Astâvakra Gîtâ: Un libro para la contemplación divina Claudio Dossetti
  29. De kracht van het goede: de toekomstvisie van de Dalai Lama Daniël Goleman
  30. Hindoeisme Vanno Jobse
  31. Stories on lord Shiva series 26: From various sources of Shiva Purana Anusha HS
  32. Historia del yoga: Desde la India antigua hasta el Occidente moderno María Dolores Ábalos
  33. The Last Few Days Of The Blue God Sanjib Chattopadhyay
  34. Savarkar and the Making of Hindutva Janaki Bakhle
  35. The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living: A Verse-by-Verse Commentary: Vols 1–3 (The End of Sorrow, Like a Thousand Suns, To Love Is to Know Me) Eknath Easwaran
  36. The Soul At Death: A Moment To Moment Timeline Sripad Jagannatha Das
  37. The Inner Government of the World Annie Besant
  38. Indian Democracy: Origins, Trajectories, Contestations
  39. THE RAMAYANA OF VALMIKI Valmiki Ramayana
  40. Bhagavad Gita: the Wisdom of the Hindu Epic Mahabharata Narmad Darsha
  41. Devi Mahatmyam: The Glory of the Goddess Sage Markandeya
  42. Stories on lord Ganesh series - 23: From various sources of Ganesh purana Anusha HS
  43. Raja Yoga: Mastery of Mind and Meditation Clarice Bendleton
  44. Stories on lord Ganesh series - 24: From various sources of Ganesh purana Anusha HS
  45. Karma Yoga: Selfless Action for Spiritual Growth Clarice Bendleton
  46. Stories from Kathasaritasagara series -15: From various sources Anusha HS
  47. Philosophical Musings for Meaningful Life: An Analysis of K.V. Dominic's Poems
  48. Del vientre a la muerte: El viaje de la vida Chandra Choubey
  49. Upanishads: the Wisdom of Hinduism through Meditation, Philosophy and Spiritual Knowledge Narmad Darsha
  50. The Mahabharata Volume 1 Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa