1. The Search for Sunken Treasure & The Mummy with No Name Geronimo Stilton
  2. Intermediate Arabic: Broaden Your Arabic Vocabulary and Cultural Understanding Omnia Al Farsi
  3. Dummie de mummie en het masker van Sebek-Ra Tosca Menten
  4. Alexandrië: Het verhaal van een stad die leeft in het verleden Eduard Cousin
  5. Cruise control Carlie van Tongeren
  6. The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean M. Doreal
  7. Our Journey to Sinai Agnes Bensly
  8. Ancient Egypt Edward Macuski
  9. Cleopatra: Het leven van een legendarische koningin Dick Harrison
  10. Los trabajos de Jacob Lope de Vega
  11. Lo que ha de ser Lope de Vega
  12. Cleopatra VII: The Last Queen of Egypt – Power, Love, and Betrayal: The Untold Story of Cleopatra’s Rise, Her Love Affairs with Caesar & Mark Antony, and Her Tragic Fall Clifton Larson
  13. Egyptian Mythology: Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt Harper van Stalen
  14. Ancient Egypt: Pharaohs, Pyramids, and the Cradle of Civilization Rolf Hedger
  15. Egyptian Mythology: Princes, Pyramids, and Myths Explained Harper van Stalen
  16. The Art of Ancient Egypt: Understanding the Legacy of an Ancient Civilization Haya Vent
  17. Meroitic Kingdom: Forgotten Kingdom of the Nile's Black Pharaohs Rolf Hedger
  18. The Kingdom of Kush: Nubian Kings and the Black Pharaohs of the Nile Rolf Hedger
  19. Egyptian Mythology: Deities, Sphinxes, and Stories from Ancient Egypt Harper van Stalen
  20. Egyptian Mythology: Ancient Gods and Goddesses from Egypt Harper van Stalen
  21. Among the Jasmine Trees: Music and Modernity in Contemporary Syria Jonathan Holt Shannon
  22. Rococo and Other Worlds: Selected Poems Afzal Ahmed Syed
  23. Citizen Azmari: Making Ethiopian Music in Tel Aviv Ilana Webster-Kogen
  24. Egyptian Mythology: Classic Myths and Stories from Ancient Egypt Harper van Stalen
  25. Egyptian Mythology: Stories, Heroes, and Gods from Ancient Egypt Harper van Stalen
  26. Red Wolves Adam Hamdy
  27. Whispers in the Sand Barbara Erskine
  28. The Collected Works of Georg Ebers: Historical Novels, Stories & Autobiography of an Egyptologist Georg Ebers
  29. Arachne: A Tale of Ancient Egypt (Historical Romance) Georg Ebers
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  32. History of the Kingdom of China (Vol. 1&2) Juan González de Mendoza
  33. Testimony of Ambassador Morgenthau about Armenian Genocide and the Exodus of Greeks Henry Morgenthau
  34. The History of European Morals: From Augustus to Charlemagne William Edward Hartpole Lecky
  35. History of the Mexican-American War Justin Harvey Smith
  36. 30-Second Ancient Egypt: The 50 Most Important Achievements of a Timeless Civilization, each Explained in Half a Minute Peter Der Manuelian
  37. The Collector’s Daughter Gill Paul
  38. De vluchteling uit Damascus. Een historische novelle Key Tengeler
  39. Jerusalem Explored (Vol. 1&2): Illustrated Edition Ermete Pierotti
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  41. Antony and Cleopatra William Shakespeare
  42. Het land van de zon: De ontdekkingsreis van Sarah Belzoni Machteld Kruijssen
  43. La pirámide inmortal: El secreto egipcio de Napoleón Javier Sierra
  44. Dummie de mummie deel 0: Een jonge prins in het oude Egypte: Een jonge prins in het oude Egypte Tosca Menten
  45. Beneath the Burning Wave Jennifer Hayashi Danns
  46. The Ancient Egyptian Middle Kingdom: Exploring New Insights of the Most Mysterious Period in Egyptology STACY DALTON
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  48. The Mysterious Gods of Egypt NORAH ROMNEY
  49. Pharos and Pharillon E. M. Forster
  50. Death Comes as the End Agatha Christie