1. Social Determinants of Health in Europe: Direct and Indirect Consequences of War
  2. A Joosr Guide to... Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser: What The All-American Meal is Doing to the World Joosr
  3. The Blue Zones Solution: by Dan Buettner | Key Takeaways, Analysis & Review (Eating and Living Like the World's Healthiest People): Eating and Living Like the World's Healthiest People IRB Media
  4. The Heart And Heart Disease: A Personal Perspective Owen Jones
  5. El Corazón Y Las Enfermedades Cardíacas: Una Perspectiva Personal Owen Jones
  6. Vulnerabilities in Paid Care Work: Transnational Experiences, Insights and Voices
  7. Black Fatigue: How Racism Erodes the Mind, Body, and Spirit Mary-Frances Winters
  8. CANNABIS & WOMEN: Marijuana Therapeutics for Women CBD & THC: Ancient Medicine to Flourish in the Modern World Oneida Powell
  9. For Health Autonomy: Horizons of Care Beyond Austerity—Reflections from Greece Various authors
  10. Voces del laberinto Ricard Ruiz Garzón
  11. Pandemia Sonia Shah
  12. Experiencias del dolor: Entre la destrucción y el renacimiento David Le Breton
  13. Is This Wi-Fi Organic?: A Guide to Spotting Misleading Science Online (Science Myths Debunked) Dave Farina
  14. Carry on en leef: de kracht van kwetsbaarheid in de praktijk Glennon Doyle Melton
  15. Diary of a Secret Drug Addict: Addiction, dependence and recovery. An ex-user’s guide to breaking free. Secret Drug Addict
  16. Rehearsals for Dying: Digressions on Love and Cancer Ariel Gore
  17. Carry on, heb lief Glennon Doyle Melton
  18. Spiegeltje spiegeltje aan de wand Schmitz, Maaike
  19. Ik zie jou Irene Avogadri
  20. Infected: How Power, Politics, and Privilege Use Science Against the World’s Most Vulnerable Muhammad H. Zaman
  21. The Company That Solved Healthcare: How Serigraph Dramatically Reduced Skyrocketing Costs While Providing Better Care, and How Every Company Can Do the Same John Torinus Jr.
  22. Yo, adicto: Un relato personal de dependencia y reconciliación Javier Giner
  23. The Short Guide to Mental Health Deirdre Heenan
  24. Disability Politics and Theory: Revised and Expanded Edition A.J. Withers
  25. Barbara O'Neill's Timeless Natural Remedies: Your Guide to Herbal Healing, Wellness, and Disease Prevention - 5 Books Collection Robert S. Bennett
  26. La pandemia de COVID-19 en México ¿Entre la economía o la salud? Una visión multidisciplinaria Jaime Peña Ramírez
  27. Protestas bajo amenaza social: ¡Prepárate eficazmente para Protestas bajo amenaza social! Disfruta de excepcionales lecciones de audio que optimizan tu desempeño en la prueba. Eldrin Calloway
  28. Allergies, Asthma, and the Common Cold Scientific American
  29. ¡Jugad, jugad, malditos! La epidemia del juego en España: ludópatas y capos del azar Luis Díez
  30. Drug Policy: History, Theory and Consequences. Examples from Denmark and USA n a
  31. American Contagions: Epidemics and the Law from Smallpox to COVID-19 John Fabian Witt
  32. De geest uit de fles: Alcoholvrij in een benevelde wereld Jacqueline Van Lieshout
  33. Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty Patrick Radden Keefe
  34. Lucky Rachel Edwards
  35. 30-Second Medicine: The 50 crucial milestones, treatments and technologies in the history of health, each explained in half a minute Gabrielle M Finn
  36. The Atlas of Disease: Mapping deadly epidemics and contagion from the plague to the zika virus Sandra Hempel
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  39. Sweetness in the Blood: Race, Risk, and Type 2 Diabetes James Doucet-Battle
  40. Medicine, Morality, and Political Culture: Legislation on venereal disease in five Northern European countries, c. 1870 - c. 1995 Ida Blom
  41. Ten Days in a Mad House Nellie Bly
  42. Brain Status Unremarkable: A remarkable approach to attacking brain cancer Kyle Miron
  43. COVID-19: The Greatest Cover-Up in History—From Wuhan to the White House Dylan Howard
  44. Breaking Ground: My Life in Medicine Louis W. Sullivan
  45. The Search for an Abortionist: The Classic Study of How American Women Coped with Unwanted Pregnancy before Roe v. Wade Nancy Howell Lee
  46. America's Longest War: Rethinking Our Tragic Crusade Against Drugs Steven B. Duke
  47. Fat Land: How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World Greg Critser
  48. Generation Rx: How Prescription Drugs Are Altering American Lives, Minds, and Bodies Greg Critser
  49. Seeking Sickness: Medical Screening and the Misguided Hunt for Disease Alan Cassels
  50. Inside the Outbreaks: The Elite Medical Detectives of the Epidemic Intelligence Service Mark Pendergrast