

  1. 유쾌한 소통의 법칙 67 김창옥
  2. How to Talk to Anybody, Anytime, Anywhere: 3 Steps to Make Instant Connections Chris Widener
  3. Hide and Seek: The Sacred Art of Indirect Communication Benson P. Fraser
  4. 하버드 100년 전통 말하기 수업 류리나
  5. Canon sin fronteras: Estudios críticos sobre géneros populares
  6. Contar: Visualizaciones con datos Camilo Ernesto Martínez Eraso
  7. Mag ik uw aandacht: gids voor zinvol spreken Anne van der Meiden
  8. In 10 Stappen Zelfbewuster Samenwerken: Betere samenwerking voor meer plezier op werk en thuis Monique Bruil-Nijboer
  9. Beyond Privacy: People, Practices, Politics
  10. The Long-Distance Teammate: Stay Engaged and Connected While Working Anywhere Wayne Turmel
  11. The Science of Reading Body Language: Read Between the Lines: Understanding Physical Communication Nathaniel Hart
  12. Communication Matters II: That's Not What I Meant!: The Sociolinguistics of Everyday Conversation Deborah Tannen
  13. Communication Matters I: He Said / She Said: Women, Men and Language Deborah Tannen
  14. The Secrets of Successful Selling Habits Zig Ziglar
  15. La forma más sencilla de analizar a las personas: Aprende a leer a las personas, entender su lenguaje corporal y descubre lo que siempre te perdiste en las conversaciones Leticia Caballero
  16. Truth and Lies: What People Are Really Thinking Tracey Thomson
  17. La era del enfrentamiento: Del storytelling a la ausencia del relato Christian Salmon
  18. La prodigiosa trama: Variaciones en clave de red Sonia Abadi
  19. Narrativa(s) en ficción televisiva y cinematográfica Sergio Cobos-Durán
  20. Mejor sin objetivos Enric Lladó
  21. The Evolution of Political Rhetoric: The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research, Volume 6
  22. The Smart Business Man Collection-millionaire Mindset and Body Language: Finally Combine the power of the millionaire mindset and success habits with the super power of detecting lies and communicating without saying a word through body language Alan Conor
  23. Listen: How to Find the Words for Tender Conversations Kathryn Mannix
  24. Энергия клиента: Как окупается человеческий подход в бизнесе Евгений Щепин
  25. От Эминема до Билла Гейтса: Искусство общения и выстраивания связей Брайан Грейзер
  26. Job Interview Preparation and Conversation Skills : 2-in-1 Book Learn How to Crush Your Next Job Interview and Develop A Magnetic Charisma to Enhance Your Communication Skills Sean Winter
  27. Communication Skills: Discover The Best Ways To Communicate, Be Charismatic, Use Body Language, Persuade & Be A Great Conversationalist Ace McCloud
  28. La comunicación nuclear: Un aporte a la teoría del diálogo Roxana Fantin
  29. 잠자리 대화의 기적 김동화
  30. 사랑받는 아빠는 소통법이 다르다 신우석
  31. The Narrative Gym: Introducing the ABT Framework For Messaging and Communication Randy Olson
  32. 77 ежедневных манипуляций Арт Гаспаров
  33. Talk to Anyone: Tips for Socializing & Developing Charisma Colette Carlson
  34. No manipuléis el feminismo: Una defensa contra los bulos machistas Ana Bernal Triviño
  35. De Juiste Vraag: Krachtige vragen voor effectieve coachgesprekken Mieke Voogd
  36. Read People Like a Book: How to Analyze, Understand, and Predict People’s Emotions, Thoughts, Intentions, and Behaviors Patrick King
  37. Medios y retomas II: Reescrituras y encuentros textuales. El campo de los efectos María Rosa del Coto
  38. Decir SÍ cuando quiero decir NO genera ansiedad Mª Teresa Llobet
  39. Ясно, понятно: Как доносить мысли и убеждать людей с помощью слов Максим Ильяхов
  40. Listen Like You Mean It: Reclaiming the Lost Art of True Connection Ximena Vengoechea
  41. Just Ask: Why Seeking Support is Your Greatest Strength Andy Lopata
  42. Millennial Love Olivia Petter
  43. Influence, New and Expanded: The Psychology of Persuasion Robert B. Cialdini
  44. Making Your Crazy Work for You: From Trauma and Isolation to Self-Acceptance and Love Grant H. Brenner, MD
  45. Active Listening: Useful Tips to Improve Your Social Skills, Sharpen Your Communication Techniques And Learn How To Influence People Michael Sanders
  46. Art of Reading People: The Essential Guide to Mastering Body Language, Learn How to Read and Make Body Movements That Could Pave Your Way to Success Ronda Barrys
  47. Digital Body Language: How to Build Trust and Connection, No Matter the Distance Erica Dhawan
  48. Innovación y metodología: Nuevas formas de pensar y diseñar Kees Dorst
  49. Esquematismo: La eficacia de la simplicidad. Teoría informacional del esquema Joan Costa
  50. How to Read People Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: The Dictionary of Body Language and Art of Reading People Ronda Barrys