1. Gangsta Granny David Walliams
  2. Демиан. Последнее лето Клингзора. Курортник. Нарцисс и Златоуст Герман Гессе
  3. The Five Lives of Lady Eleanor: A Time Traveler's Enigma Vanessa Pierce
  4. Life without desire: World after #metoo Chris A.Sparow
  5. The Helix Bloom: A Symphony of Ruin Katrina Vega
  6. Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man: "You can still die when the sun is shining." James Joyce
  7. La soledad del subversivo Marco Bechis
  8. The Way Of All Flesh: "Sensible people get the greater part of their own dying done during their own lifetime." Samuel Butler
  9. The Ladies: A Novel Doris Grumbach
  10. My First Summer in the Sierra John Muir
  11. A Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf John Muir
  12. Niños científicos: Historias verdaderas de la infancia de los grandes de la ciencia David Stabler
  13. The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man James Weldon Johnson
  14. A Journal of the Plague Year Daniel Defoe
  15. Hindergroen Martine Bijl
  16. Yo, Rubén Darío Ian Gibson
  17. Juguete Rabioso Roberto Arlt
  18. Her Irish Heritage Annie M. P. Smithson
  19. Het verhaal van San Michele Axel Munthe
  20. The First Emma Camille Di Maio
  21. White Rose Kip Wilson
  22. A Lie Someone Told You About Yourself Peter Ho Davies
  23. The Shot Aleksandr Pushkin
  24. Alicia en el país de la alegría Nieves Álvarez
  25. Ik wil jou(w) baby! Wendy Louise
  26. A Tangled Tale: "The Mathematical Recreations of Lewis Carroll for Childs" Lewis Carroll
  27. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain
  28. Mumu Ivan Turgenev
  29. The Gambler Fyodor Dostoevsky
  30. Beside Schopenhauer's Corpse Guy de Maupassant
  31. Polzunkov Fyodor Dostoevsky
  32. The Provincial Lady Series: Diary of a Provincial Lady, The Provincial Lady Goes Further, The Provincial Lady in America & The Provincial Lady in Wartime E. M. Delafield
  33. I Visit the Soviets - The Provincial Lady in Russia E. M. Delafield
  34. Colette: Oeuvres majeures: Romans, Récits, Théâtre, Essais, Ouvrages autobiographiques: La Vagabonde, Chéri, Le Blé en herbe, Minne, Sido, Gigi, La Maison de Claudine, Les vrilles de la vigne Colette
  35. Frederick Douglass: A Novel Sidney Morrison
  36. Sido Colette
  37. Antifaz negro: El impacto de lo religioso en la vida de un niño Osvaldo D. Vena
  38. Essays of Montaigne: {Complete & Illustrated} Michel Montaigne
  39. La Maison de Claudine Colette
  40. Writing Wrongly: The saga of an incomplete wanker Thomas Corfield
  41. La Naissance du jour Colette
  42. Prize for the Fire: A Novel Rilla Askew
  43. Самое большое чертово колесо Василий Зоркий
  44. Sergeant Salinger Jerome Charyn
  45. MESS(H)ED UP J L Rogers
  46. Sway Zachary Lazar
  47. Konovalov Maxim Gorky
  48. Plato's Academy and the Eternal Key Ali Gray
  49. Nana Volume 1 Emile Zola
  50. Nana Volume 2 Emile Zola