1. Elements of Criticism (Vol. 1-3): Complete Edition Lord Henry Home Kames
  2. De la memoria a la reflexión: La escritura en la universidad Oscar Iván Londoño Zapata
  3. Crítica popular Leopoldo Alas Clarín
  4. Recopilatorio de obra crítica Leopoldo Alas Clarín
  5. Mis plagios Leopoldo Alas Clarín
  6. La importancia de no hacer nada Oscar Wilde
  7. Comprensión y discurso: Del movimiento ocular al procesamiento cognitivo Giovanni Parodi
  8. The Grammar of Fantasy: An Introduction to the Art of Inventing Stories Gianni Rodari
  9. El modernismo y otros textos críticos Rubén Darío
  10. The Motif Return: Reintroducing a Recurring Element or Symbol to Create Connection Peter Thompson
  11. Essential Bukowski: Poetry Charles Bukowski
  12. Морфология волшебной сказки. Исторические корни волшебной сказки Владимир Пропп
  13. A Literary Steinitz Gambit: Exploring the Strategic Interplay of Chess and Literature Wilhelm Steinitz
  14. Прометей, или Жизнь Бальзака Андре Моруа
  15. 30-Second Literature: The 50 most important forms, genres and styles, each explained in half a minute Ella Berthoud
  16. 30-Second Literature: The 50 most important forms, genres and styles, each explained in half a minute Ella Berthoud
  17. Romantik
  18. Chaos Management - Working with Success as a Undisciplined: incl. Bonus – Boost self-confidence, achieve goals instead of time management, learn emotional intelligence mindfulness & resilience Simone Janson
  19. ArteletrA: The Sixties in Latin America and the Politics of Going Unnoticed Jason A. Bartles
  20. The Prince Niccolò Machiavelli
  21. The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde
  22. De la angustia al lenguaje Maurice Blanchot
  23. The Free World: Art and Thought in the Cold War Louis Menand
  24. Do Nothing & Have Success: incl. Bonus – Learn anti-stress manipulation strategies psychology communication & rhetoric, be lazy & work more efficiently, improve your resilience & self-confidence Simone Janson
  25. Multitasking! Do Everything at the Same Time without Stress: incl. Bonus – Learn discipline, train emotional intelligence & resilience, work more efficiently in project management, achieve goals Simone Janson
  26. Libre estética José María Vargas Vilas
  27. Horario reflexivo José María Vargas Vilas
  28. Русский героический эпос Владимир Пропп
  29. The Three Paradoxes of Roland Barthes Patrizia Lombardo
  30. Poetics Aristotle
  31. Kant and the Platypus: Essays on Language and Cognition Umberto Eco
  32. Travels in Hyperreality Umberto Eco
  33. Six Memos for the Next Millennium Italo Calvino
  34. Secularization without End: Beckett, Mann, Coetzee Vincent P. Pecora
  35. Ars-verba José María Vargas Vilas
  36. The Lost Second Book of Aristotle's Poetics Walter Watson
  37. The Mystery of Edwin Drood: Charles Dickens' Unfinished Novel & Our Endless Attempts to End It Pete Orford
  38. Introducing Semiotic: Its History and Doctrine John Deely
  39. William S. Burroughs Cutting Up the Century
  40. Wishfulfillment and Symbolism in Fairy Tales: Uncovering the Depths of Fairy Tale Symbolism Franz Ricklin
  41. Criticism and Beauty: Exploring Aesthetics and Critique in Art and Culture Arthur James Balfour
  42. American Hieroglyphics: The Symbol of the Egyptian Hieroglyphics in the American Renaissance John T. Irwin
  43. The Origins of the English Novel, 1600–1740 Michael McKeon
  44. Romanticism at the End of History Jerome Christensen
  45. Contemporary Fiction: A Very Short Introduction Robert Eaglestone
  46. 101 Best Scenes Ever Written: A Romp Through Literature for Writers and Readers Barnaby Conrad
  47. 101 Best Sex Scenes Ever Written: An Erotic Romp Through Literature for Writers and Readers Barnaby Conrad
  48. El silencio de las madres Laura Freixas Revuelta
  49. Lacan and the Limits of Language Charles Shepherdson
  50. Expectation: Philosophy, Literature Jean-Luc Nancy